Thought you folks here might enjoy this.
I'm currently teaching Fahrenheit 451 to a class and when we get to the climactic death of a certain fire chief (if you haven't read the prophetic work then shame on you-- get it NOW) I always like to mess with students by telling them what to think and invariably they all scribble down what they should think without questioning (if you're a teacher and like specifics PM and I'd be happy to share the lesson plan in all of its evil goodness)... Anyway the whole point of teaching the novel is for students to realize that they need to think for themselves and there were a couple of teachers who back in late '77 wrote to Bradbury to be clear on if a certain character truly did want to die. Ray Bradbury wrote back to them and shared his thoughts on the character's motivations, but what I thought some of you might enjoy is the letter he wrote to the teachers expressing his thoughts on the current (late 70's) sci-fi movies as a response to what the teachers wrote to him about. Here's the letter word for word:
I liked STAR WARS because it was grand cartoon-like fun, right out of my FLASH GORDON childhood. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is something else again...truly magnificent, touching, eternal. I wept both times I saw it. Happy New Year to you all!
Anyway my students (as they do every year) got a kick out of it and I had some down time so I thought I'd share it here. Hope everyone's having a good day.
I'm currently teaching Fahrenheit 451 to a class and when we get to the climactic death of a certain fire chief (if you haven't read the prophetic work then shame on you-- get it NOW) I always like to mess with students by telling them what to think and invariably they all scribble down what they should think without questioning (if you're a teacher and like specifics PM and I'd be happy to share the lesson plan in all of its evil goodness)... Anyway the whole point of teaching the novel is for students to realize that they need to think for themselves and there were a couple of teachers who back in late '77 wrote to Bradbury to be clear on if a certain character truly did want to die. Ray Bradbury wrote back to them and shared his thoughts on the character's motivations, but what I thought some of you might enjoy is the letter he wrote to the teachers expressing his thoughts on the current (late 70's) sci-fi movies as a response to what the teachers wrote to him about. Here's the letter word for word:
I liked STAR WARS because it was grand cartoon-like fun, right out of my FLASH GORDON childhood. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is something else again...truly magnificent, touching, eternal. I wept both times I saw it. Happy New Year to you all!
Anyway my students (as they do every year) got a kick out of it and I had some down time so I thought I'd share it here. Hope everyone's having a good day.