Yeah, generally... but just to throw it out there: 2 remakes of older movies from Burton (one with Depp)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- terrible movie
Planet of the Apes- one of the worst movies of all time
Here's hoping a movie version of a soap opera about vampires, werewolves and what-not can fair better. I really want this to be awesome, but every so often Burton churns out some terrible crap.
I know there are some Dark Shadows fans here. And you must have opinions about this movie.
I never followed the original series much, but the little I have seen I liked. I think it would be very cool to see Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins... well I just want to see him with fangs!
I know the whole vampire thing is way too big right now, but this might be very cool.
Scorsese and De Niro, Kurosawa and Mifune, Herzog and Kinski, Burton and Depp. Some relationships work very well together. Well, maybe Herzog and Kinski didn't exactly work well together, but they made great movies.