buying a tv. need advice.

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Super Freak
Apr 30, 2008
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i've been saving some moolah for black friday and plan on buying a led tv, first off not all led's are 3d ready, right? and since i dont really care for the 3d feature would i be better off just getting an lcd tv or is the led worth the extra cash? also what are the pros and cons of leds and which brand is best or what would some of you guys that do have led recommend? thanks in advance!
Not all LED TV's are 3D--if it's 3D it'll specifically say so. Televisions that are 3D have to have a certain refresh rate and be built to support the special glasses so it's specific hardware that a TV needs to support 3D.

An LED TV uses LED's as it's backlight technology, which allow them to have better coverage and better quality--regular LCD screens have a light at the sides to try and illuminate the screen which doesn't always work well.

Also--LED's last a lot longer, are more energy efficient, and since LED's are super small they can allow for very thin TV's.

Samsung makes excellent TV's and displays
I loved every Samsung LCD I have brought but would love an LED! Are the 3D TV's that require no glasses out yet in the states? I'd go one of those. Try and get one that has a non-reflective screen aswell, makes such a difference.
thanks guys, ive heard great things about the samsungs so i'll probably aim for one of those. and yes the 3d ready leds are already available here Killken. one thing i have been told is that Sony led's arent that good.
how big are you going? if you're not interested in 3d you should be able to get a 50" 1080p tv for $800-$1000 if that sets a bench mark for you. I've loved my 50" plasma Panasonic Viera the past year or so. Couldn't be any better.
how big are you going? if you're not interested in 3d you should be able to get a 50" 1080p tv for $800-$1000 if that sets a bench mark for you. I've loved my 50" plasma Panasonic Viera the past year or so. Couldn't be any better.

im aiming for a 55" to 60" tv and yeah, ive seen lcd and plasma tvs going for really good prices but im trying, or at least want to score me an led one since ive heard better things about them in general.
frankly, aside from my TV not having 3D I can't imagine anything else as far as picture quality goes that I would need. At the time I bought my TV, about 1 year ago, LED were 1.5x to 2x what I paid for the plasma. so while LED may be marginally better, i just can't imagine it being worth that much more.
you have a point Prog, i still have some time to think about it but i may just end up buying a bigger LCD tv or just go ahead and get a 3d ready LED, who knows. but if im gonna spend the money might as well go the extra mile.
Go for a Samsung LED, saves space, energy n well it looks good.
I have a 26 inch Led tv and it doubles up as a computer monitor/watching dvds & to play playstation games. I keep it on for at least 12 hours a day & have not experience any problems so far.

Then again, a bigger LCD tv at a cheaper price may be more worth it?
but if im gonna spend the money might as well go the extra mile.

I agree with that on some purchases, but not on TVs and the reason is that in 1 year a price of a tv is cut by 20%. 2 or 3 years the price of a tv is cut nearly in half. You could go $2600 for a 60" LED 3D TV right now and enjoy the very limited selection of 3D media.

Or you can buy a 60" plasma for $1300, enjoy that for 3 years then move that 60" plasma to the basement or spare room and buy the 60" LED for $1300 because the price came down.
yep, ive seen big screen LCD's for $900 or so which is great as i plan to put it in a tv room im working on.
you have a point Prog, i still have some time to think about it but i may just end up buying a bigger LCD tv or just go ahead and get a 3d ready LED, who knows. but if im gonna spend the money might as well go the extra mile.

This is a very good point and this is what I would do. I own a few HD TV's and the first purchases I made I skimped on a few things. Drove me mad sometimes when it came to things like wanting full HD for a Blu Ray player or if I wanted to have the option of mounting a TV to the wall (one of them is an LCD projection TV).

The last TV I bought I didn't hold back. I got everything I wanted in it and I've been SUPER happy with the purchase since day one.

Get what you want man!

Regarding 3D, depending on what side of the fence you're on, I wouldn't buy for that right now. It looks awesome, but I don't think I would ever get used to wearing glasses while I watched TV and there just isn't any content for it right now. Kind of like when people bought the first HD TV's to watch one channel....kind of silly, expensive, and then the technology is outdated/upgraded.