Captain Jack Harkness anyone? (Torchwood/Dr Who)

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I'm definitely interested in a head and the coat.

I second the recommendation for Amy Jones. I also commissioned a 10th Doctor from her (should be getting it back by Friday) and she is both super nice and super fast and her prices cannot be beat.
Hey gang,

Obviously, Warriors Gate loves Doctor Who. Sue asked us a while back if we had plans to do a Jack and we really don't have plans for any Nu Who coming up, focusing the Who part of our energies on the classic era.
However, since Sue is passionate enough to actually start an interest list, if you just want a head made (and his gun and time band), if you can get 16 people on the list we will do it if Sue doesn't just go ahead and do it herself. :).

We'll make anyone as long as there are 16 people behind it.

The reason for this is that we are moving towards focusing on just heads (mostly) for the second half of the year as we wait for our tailors to catch up with the costumes that go with everything we made in the first half of the year. :impatient:
There is no way we could do his costume this year however for the same reason though. :(

-Rick :)
I think that is a good idea. You can get more heads out there. All you need for Captain Jack is the head. Then you just need a blue shirt, suspenders and pants. The great coat is good if you can get one, but not necessary.
Thanks for offering William. I was hoping you would step up to the plate. :D

Well see how many folks are interested and take it from there.

Thanks for contacting Amy. I'd be very interested in seeing If she'd be up for this, although as said above you can do this custom without it if necessary, thats the great thing about this character, hopefully you can get something together without having to break the bank. :lol:

Well including myself we have 7 people interested so far, so we're not doing too bad really considering how fresh this thread is.

The thing I'm most concerned with when it comes to any potential head sculpt is getting a case of 'pin head syndrome' in that the head ends up looking too small on the body when the clothes are added. I've seen many a great looking sculpt suffer with this 'disease' and for me at least It makes them unusable.

When It comes to someone like jack who wearing a reasonable amount of layers I'd rather It erred on the side of being slightly too large then too small, so that it'll compensate for the bulk of the fabric.
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If we can't reach the 16, you might also try Cheungkinmen here on the board. I'm not actually sure if he takes commissions or not, but he's very talented and usually only requires ten people when he offers his sculpts.
Oh thats wonderful. Does she have any ball park figure in mind for each one or is it far too early to tell?
Righty-ho. No rush. We've still a way to go until we manage to get enough people anyway. :)
I think thats very good indeed. We'd have to ask her about the detailing though. I'll have to try and find my Jack and take a photo of the coat that was made for me before.

*eta* This isn't my photo, but It does show the coat that was made for me a few years back. I think It's bit too big really looking at it now. It was beautifully made though. It was lined and everything.
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If this project does go forward, we need to figure out how we'll handle the coat situation. I would be sending her my own fabric to make sure I get the look I want, so would you guys want to wait and see mine done as the prototype so to speak, and then if everybody digs it, I can send her enough fabric for everyone else or just go every man for himself and each person deal with her 1 on 1? Or I could just handle my own coat, and sueworld could be the go between with Amy for the rest of the group?
Based on my experience with Ten's coat (got it back today woooo!), the best way to make sure the Jack's coat fits properly is to send Amy a sample dressed figure (pants, shirt, suspenders) so she can do the fitting directly over the layers. Then, once she figured out the pattern, if the rest of us use the same kind of body as the sample figure (HT narrow for example) we would know for sure the coat would fit since they would all be the same size and dimensions.
You can put me on the lists for the head and the jacket. Also the gun and time band if WGP ends up taking it on.
Oh, and his piece of TARDIS coral if you're feeling extra ambitious. :)


If this project does go forward, we need to figure out how we'll handle the coat situation. I would be sending her my own fabric to make sure I get the look I want, so would you guys want to wait and see mine done as the prototype so to speak, and then if everybody digs it, I can send her enough fabric for everyone else or just go every man for himself and each person deal with her 1 on 1? Or I could just handle my own coat, and sueworld could be the go between with Amy for the rest of the group?

I like the idea of doing it as a group. It seems like it might be easier for Amy to schedule it that way. Just an assumption.

I also like the idea waiting for the "prototype" jacket. Amy is super-fast, so it wouldn't add too much wait time. I think as long as the material is thin enough it won't look too bulky. If my Tom Baker doesn't look too bulky with his shirt and cravat and vest and jacket and scarf we should be able to pull off Jack's outfit.
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Well, I've had a Jack outfit already put together for a few months so I'd be happy to send the figure to Amy along with my fabric when and if the time comes to fit for my coat and I guess we can use that as the prototype, and then you guys can decided if you like it or if you'd rather go in a different direction with fabric or what have you. That sound good to everyone?
Sounds good to me. Thank you for doing that.
What body are you using?