Coheteboy's guest review of Qui-Gon

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Michael Crawford

Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Tonight's guest review is from the exceptional Coheteboy, who somehow managed to get his hands on his Sideshow sixth scale Qui-Gon Jinn before most of us. He covers the figure tonight, with some excellent photos and his usual sense of humor. You can find all the reviews at the usual:

Thanks for reading, and have at terrific weekend!

Thanks for putting "exceptional" in front of my name! I guess I need to pay you huh?

Check's in the mail. :D
Bravo, very fair, sorry you got the slightly Marty Feldman eye but that happens, let's hope the others are looking straight... :lol
Thanks, Guys! And yes, I hope my exclusive Qui-Gon in the mail will have decent eyes.
Generous, esp considering you only deducted half a * for height, the eyes :google and the hair.

Good stuff!!

Though I am disappointed that SSC did not correct either obvious problem with the exclusive poncho I am still excited for this figure.

LOTRFan said:
Generous, esp considering you only deducted half a * for height, the eyes :google and the hair.


Yah true... they were so close though. So close.
pixletwin said:
MCR guest review by our very own cahoteboy! I loved the review and I especially loved this pic:

Thanks, Pixletwin!
IrishJedi said:
Good stuff!!

Though I am disappointed that SSC did not correct either obvious problem with the exclusive poncho I am still excited for this figure.


I don't think there are problems with the Poncho. Looking at Photos it appears to be correct.
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jlcmsu said:
I don't there are problems with the Poncho. Looking at Photos it appears to be correct.
Some of you folk (not necessarily Irish) are complaing about too much brown in the Jedi line up... Well you get a blue poncho to break through all that brown. :D
pixletwin said:
Some of you folk (not necessarily Irish) are complaing about too much brown in the Jedi line up... Well you get a blue poncho to break through all that brown. :D

:lol :lol :lol

FlyAndFight said:
Josh, someone has gotten hold of your password and is posting the complete opposite of what you just said above. Check out posts 23, 24 and 25 in this thread:

I left out the word think. As I said in those. Looking at photos the poncho appears to be grey and it's even called grey from Wikipedia.