converting bitmap to jpeg

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Super Freak
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys I have had a problem trying to get some pics printed that are buddy posted them on a site.. then I copied them.. then took them to print on a kodak kiosk.. no copyrite infringment or anything like that.. just pics of various custom figures and how they are painted and how I need to paint some.. the pics are bitmaps.. and I think they need to be jpegs.. cuz the kodak kiosk doesnt recognise just says image not available..

I am thinking I need to some how convert the bitmaps to jpeg.. is that possible.. and I got like a crapload of pics on my flashdrive to convert if thats what I got to do.. do you have to do them one at a time.. I tried to put .jpg on each pics name.. but that didnt work..

any help is appreciated.. thanks..
thanks guys that irfanview program worked great for converting the stuff all at once all I did was a batch conversion.. very easy..