Custom Elder Wolf idea. Need help to complete

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Predator vs. Alien

Super Freak
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Anywhere I wanna be. Just like Visa, but without t
Ok, well I've had this idea for about a year now.
It would be made using a Cleaner Kit Wolf

First off, I'd like the body to be repainted so it looks like the prototype's paint. I'd also need the face repainted to a lighter more 'old' look and for the acid scars to be older looking.

Now, on to the dreads, I'd like them to be a blueish grey colour.

Battle Damage, I'd like to have the breast plate have some scratches and acid burns from Xeno combat, maybe the same for the thigh guards. And I'd like some Xeno scratches on his abdomin with the green pred blood dripping out.

The Bio Helmet, I would like to have one or 2 options done.
1.More scratches and some acid burns

2. Make it look some what like the exclusive P2 Bio(cut sideways) but I'd like it to look like acid just really messed it up but it still serves its purpose.

I basiclly want him to look like he's gone through hell, but made it through to become an Elder.

So if anyone here can help me with this, I'd appriciate it. I've been in contact with SilentSurfer but he's really busy and won't be able to help me for awhile.

Please PM me or sent me an email at [email protected]
so we can further discuss this custom.