True, that stand you did does match the others by Hot Toys and Sideshow, which is your intent and that is kewl. The printed ones always look blurry to me.
As for the gradient, there is vinyl that can do that with a pretty kewl effect to it. While it is a little on the pricey side, if I would have known that I would get quite a few requests for BTTF stands I would have invested in it and prolly broke even.
Printing also can't do other unique looks I can like metallics with metal flakes, chrome and gold mirror, brushed aluminum, reflective and glow in the dark. I can also make contrasting looks like a gloss black letter shadow against a flat black background without a bleeding look.
All these make the stand pop. And when spending bucks on a custom, why not a few dollars more for a nice stand. They are inexpensive. It's not like I'm selling $120 Joker vests.
The nametags, yea, printed ones look better. I don't like making them but people ask for em.
But as always, do whatever you like. I'm always here.