Custom Sith Obi-Wan...

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Super Freak
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
Citrus Springs,FL
Here is a very odd custom that I just had to tackle... I was enticed by the idea way back when I read that Jorrus C'Boath in the Heir to the Empire novel was originally conceived as a clone of Obi-Wan...twisted for Evil. The idea always seemed cool to me and I had to see how it could be played out, so I gave it a shot. The sculpt was hard to make look truly evil, but I think I gave him a good look. Hope you guys enjoy it!






Sith Obi wan would have ruled the Galaxy.Nice job DA.
Thanks guys! I hope to take better pics tomorrow.... He looks much better in person too, I gave him streaks of sweat on his face and sculpted the loose hair on the forehead. I figured from the exertion of Dark Side energy his hair would be more gray and his fingernails blackened....

Not to mention it makes him day and night away from regular Obi... :D
Awesome Job as always, Josh. When I was fist introduced to Star Wars, I thought the clone wars was going to be just what you did. A dark Jedi to every light one. And then lo and behold we get the prequels and Phantom Menace. In some ways, I wish you could send that figure to Lucas and show him what a huge opportunity he missed out on.
That is awesome! I've never read that little bit of EU but it sounds somewhat interesting. Either way that figure kicks ass.
Awesome Job as always, Josh. When I was fist introduced to Star Wars, I thought the clone wars was going to be just what you did. A dark Jedi to every light one. And then lo and behold we get the prequels and Phantom Menace. In some ways, I wish you could send that figure to Lucas and show him what a huge opportunity he missed out on.

Thanks guys! And Kevin, I sooo understand where you are coming from on that little theory. I had big ideas for what the Clone Wars could be, especially after reading the Heir to the Empire story.

It is pretty sweet having Dark Obi next to the real Obi on my shelf, kind of like making the idea a reality. Hopefully I will finish my Sith Anakin eventually to stand at his side. :D
That looks great, whats nice about the sculpt is even though he is cleary a Sith... you get a sense of conflict from his look. Like he's definitely gonna f-you up... but that afterwards he might feel bad about it.

Great work (as always) can't wait to see more shots!!!
what did you use for the costume??? i like the red undertunic.

Thanks everybody! This was one of my most fun customs, took me a long time to paint and amass all the stuff. He looks great in my lineup of Sith, almost like he is meant to be there. :lol

The recipe is pretty simple. I used Mace Windu boots and tunics, dyed the inner tunic Blood red and the pants/outer tunic black. Also used a Qui-Gon Cloak, also dyed black... His lightsaber is Obi-wan's handle with one of Maul's blades.
Awesome custom, Josh! :rock

BTW, I was Sith Obi-Wan at Dragon*Con last year and made some of the very same costume choices you did (except I went with a black cloak as well).

When ANH Obi Wan comes out, you need to make a Sith Version of that as well.