DAMTOYS正式推出由美国传奇影业出品、由的暴雪经典游戏改编电影《魔兽(WARCRAFT)第6款电影道具级别雕像- 大人气兽人 刃拳Kargath Bladefist!
产品编号:NO. DMLW07
雕像尺寸:23.6”高600mm(总高度)x 27.95”宽710mm(总宽度)x 13”深330mm
包装尺寸: 待定
DAMTOYS 23-inch Epic Series Warcraft movie – Kargath Bladefist Premium Statue NO. DMLW07
DAMTOYS officially launches – from Legendary Pictures, Blizzard Entertainment classic video game adaptation, the Warcraft movie, the 7th prop-grade statue – the infamous orc Kargath Bladefist!
We officially introduced this Epic Series of collectible Premium Statues last year! It is produced by our best Engineering & Development team, dedicated to creating top quality statues for collectors!
A character in the online game World of Warcraft, Kargath Bladefist was Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan. Grey-skinned, black-haired, with a huge scythe (the Bladefist) on his left arm, he was maniacal, ruthless and single-minded. He is the founder of the Shattered Hand Clan, and its first and only Chieftain. He became (in)famous as a result of leading fellow slave orcs of the arena to the overthrow of the Gorian ogre servitude. The Shattered Hand Clan was then established. Later, when Gul'dan called for the establishment of a Horde in the name of Ner'zhul, Kargath led the Shattered Hand Clan into the Horde and enjoyed a seat in the Shadow Council, the secret organization of Gul'dan.
Kargath Bladefist might not have many scenes in the Warcraft movie, but this does not hinder fans’ passion towards him! Our R&D team has comprehensively analysed Kargath to ensure that every detail is film-accurate. Notably, the team has performed a thorough analysis of the skin color – that bluish-green tone in the movie, bruises from fighting and even some of the subtle varicose veins... we’ve missed none of these to achieve authentic likeness! Complex hair implantation technology has been used for the head sculpt to realistically present Kargath’s flowy hair to collectors.
DAMTOYS Epic Series Kargath Bladefist Premium Statue – bringing you an all-new experience of stunning visuals! Absolutely not to be missed!
Product Details
Product no.: DMLW07
Product Category: Epic Series Premium Series
Statue dimension: 23.6” H 600mm (overall height) x 27.95” W 710mm (overall width) x 13” D 330mm
Packaging: TBD
Net weight: 13.5kg (30lb)
Expected to ship: Q2 2018
Retail price: TBD
Product Material
1. Costume: Fabric, genuine cowhide leather, real leather rope
2. Head sculpt, body, accessories:Polystone, PVC, real hair
3. Base: Polyston