Broke and happy
JP is now my favorite actor.
Better than 6 anyway I guess, every D+ show so far has suffered from horrible pacing issues.They couldn't make it an even 10? Oh well, 9 is still a decent number... assuming these are all proper hour long episodes and not the 30-40 minute things we usually get from Disney.
I guess in this case they went all in with the first^ option. - https://www.inverse.com/article/49491-daredevil-season-3-on-netflix-is-less-costume-porn-than-arrow-showrunner-saysCostume "designers" job:
Nevermind the source references, remove everything unique and make it as absolutely generic as possible.
Or the reverse:
Ignore the simple source, and instead add a bunch of frivoulous crap it doesn't need, so you can justify your job.
DD Showrunner- "I guess the one lesson I drew is that superhero outfits don’t look that great in daylight.”
Who is the mf on the photo supposed to be? The love child of Hawkeye and Quicksilver?I guess in this case they went all in with the first option. - https://www.inverse.com/article/49491-daredevil-season-3-on-netflix-is-less-costume-porn-than-arrow-showrunner-says
The irony is the garbage they came up with doesn't look good in day or night.
They brought a guy onto Daredevil to oversee the last season who doesn't even like the costumes and thinks they don't look good.
I hate when the showrunners and creators are clearly ashamed of the subject matter, and don't want to be writing comic book heroes.
Bullseye traded his six pack for a six pack of beers.Who is the mf on the photo supposed to be? The love child of Hawkeye and Quicksilver?
It is.Please tell me it’s the same actor playing Bullseye, he was fantastic in season 3
The tagline that runs in the trailer: “The Devil’s Work Is Never Done.”
Marvel President Kevin Feige also confirmed a season 2 will be shooting soon.
It does. This is the first Marvel project I've been excited for in years. Based on the trailer, anyway.
Ugh, why don't they just release these officially, when they know people are just going to be uploading and sharing these crap versions anyway?
Not sure on the name but I think the actor did reportedly pass away from cancer..
There were clearly some shots of White Tiger (maybe the original Hector Ayala version?)
Anyone know who is playing him?
I actually hate how they took him out in the Daredevil comic, hopefully he survives here.
Oh damn. After production? Apparently Kamar de los Reyes, he actually seems great for the part.Not sure on the name but I think the actor did reportedly pass away from cancer.