Also selling Human Spike, repainted and with all his stuff. No box though. Asking SOLD for him.
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Also selling Human Spike, repainted and with all his stuff. No box though. Asking SOLD for him.
Thanks for the Bump man! Ivan and Grad Day Buffy PENDING!![]()
Damn... If I would have known you wanted it, I would have gotten it out to you specifically.
And just so you guys know... Xander is up on Ebay now!
Damn... If I would have known you wanted it, I would have gotten it out to you specifically.![]()
Whew, lucky for me I was fast on the draw. I've actually been checking this section every day for some time now just in case you ever decided to sell your Spike, it's a grail piece for me. I almost shat myself trying to hit the pm button fast enough.![]()
Yeah, it was a hard sale... I love that figure too. I'm glad it's going to someone cool, that's all that matters to me.
And Craw, thanks man... yeah, the Buffy PF is going to Rory... Lucky dog..![]()
Can't wait to put her next to Spike and take some pictures!![]()