Do You Only Collect Hot Toys, Or 1/6 Scale Collectors In General?

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Super Freak
Jun 18, 2015
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For those who collect in 1/6 scale, do you only collect HT, or are you 1/6 scale collectors in general regardless of the manufacturer? For instance, all of the 1/6 scale figures I have in my collection are from HT (with the exception of a few clothing accessories), and I recently purchased a HT FO Stormtrooper from TFA and then purchased an after market Daniel Craig sculpt to put on it, as I thought it would be pretty humorous. Purchasing that sculpt gave me the impetus to start a collection of all four James Bond renditions in 1/6 scale, portrayed by each actor. After doing some searching, I found a 1/6 scale of a Pierce Brosnan themed 007 figure put out by a company called "Wild Toys", but decided to call it "Agent Paul", which I'm surmising is an attempt to avoid any sort of licensing infringements. However, the figure is demonstrably an interpretation of Pierce Brosnan's 007, and the sculpt in my opinion bears a pretty good likeness to the point to where one would know who
it's supposed to be.


So the question, do you only stick with one particular 1/6 manufacturer, HT for instance as they are the most known, or are you a 1/6 scale collector in general?
I follow the best representations of the character.

I'd like to see a good Sean Connery Bond, but nobody has done him justice so far.
I only collect 1/6 figures nowadays, but hell no am I just sticking with Hot Toys. For one, their catalog is getting much narrower with surefire hits rather than what I'd personally like to see. Ask me 5 years ago and I would laugh at this notion, but I'm also into customs nowadays. So long story short, I buy whichever 1/6 figure I deem the best that represents the character I want, the brand name is irrelevant.
I'm with Lejuan: I go with the best representation of the character. HT makes up, maybe 20% of my entire collection. And as has been pointed out, HTs focus is pretty narrow (it won't be long and Disney will probably own them). Too many other companies are doing things far more interesting to stick to just one. My collection is extremely varied and has no discernible focus beyond I get what I like. Kit bashing and customizing is also fun, so I don't restrict myself to just boxed figures.
Same...I started off with Sideshow but with their alarmingly skyrocketing prices and mid range quality.. I have moved onto Hot Toys pretty exclusively but I am all for 3rd party figures. I just ordered the Three Zero Rick Grimes and I think it looks great for the price. Waiting to see the finished sculpt.
I suppose I am really sticking to Hot Toys. My first sixth scale was a Sideshow, but they've all been Hot Toys since. I debated getting an Enterbay Terminator, but have never bought it. I'm not sure if the reason is that it's quarter scale, or not Hot Toys, or a combination of the two..
Unless I read the OP wrong, there are currently 6 official Bond actors. I'd like to see a Dalton:Bond in a dinner jacket, from TLD. Sideshows Dalton:Bond from LTK had room for improvement.

But to answer the question, I have bought from different companies. I have the odd Hot Toys figure, but they're reaching the point where their output doesn't interest me (Star Wars and Iron Man)/. The last few figures that I bought, were licenced Phicen's.
I only collect 1/6 figures nowadays, but hell no am I just sticking with Hot Toys. For one, their catalog is getting much narrower with surefire hits rather than what I'd personally like to see. Ask me 5 years ago and I would laugh at this notion, but I'm also into customs nowadays. So long story short, I buy whichever 1/6 figure I deem the best that represents the character I want, the brand name is irrelevant.

:exactly: :goodpost: I couldn't just stick with Hot Toys for my 1/6 scale collecting either - would limit my collection way too much as only their Marvel licence is of interest to me (and this is starting to wane a little now if I'm honest).

I collect Big Chief Studios (for Doctor Who & Sherlock figures), Star Ace (for Harry Potter) and will occasionally pick up the odd third party figure if it's a character I like and need for my collection. :)
All but three of my 1/6th figures are Hot Toys. I have three Sideshow figures. I don't necessarily limit myself to one company but there hasn't been a lot of output from other companies I've been interested in.
I collect what I like, regardless of brand or scale.

Granted, I have a very small collection, so that isn't some kind of grand declaration or anything.
Collect what you like and what you can afford. Do not take money from your mortgage, house, kids to buy these. Consider what you really would like to have in your collection within your budget, what are going to do with them and how will you display them.
Collect what you like and what you can afford. Do not take money from your mortgage, house, kids to buy these. Consider what you really would like to have in your collection within your budget, what are going to do with them and how will you display them.

I agree on everything except the bit about the kids. ***** 'em, little bastards.
I guess my collection is 70% Hot Toys, 25% other companies & 5% bashes.

Some of my favourite figs are not made by Hot Toys though, Art Figures Dredd - Dan Chung Running Man, Executive Replica 2001 figures, Iminime cowboy figs - Braveheart & Dirty Harry.
I also have 3 figs on PO all of which are not Hot Toys.

I do find though that Hot Toys generally hold their value and are easier to sell for profit, then other 1/6 manufactures. Maybe this means HT is more desirable?
For reasons of compatibility I'd ideally like to stick to just one company and I have to anyway because Hot Toys is a license-hog. No one else can make the things I want because Hot Toys is sitting on them while they pump out their usual superheroes.

So now I primarily just collect NECA.

I agree on everything except the bit about the kids. ***** 'em, little bastards.

That's gotta be my favourite gif, I've used it countless times at this point