Does Hot Toys have an exclusive license for 1:6 or something?

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Super Freak
Jul 26, 2011
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Hey guys, I was browsing Sideshow's website, and they had preorders available for Captain America. I then realized it was made by Hot Toys... and after some more searching, found out Hot Toys also made the sold out Ironman and Thor! Does Hot Toys hold some sort of exclusive license on Marvel or will Sideshow release their own versions soon? It just seems to me that Hot Toys never makes enough... as shown by the Dark Knight Joker figures. But I hear that Sideshow just got the DC Comics license. It's all so very confusing for me lol.
No. Hot Toys just does it best... and everyone wants it. You're SOL on older figures. Look on ebay.

... and it'll be the end of the world if they hold the 1/6 license.
I like how that one guy in his SDCC video was saying all the 12" figures (Grievous, Gree, Boba Fett, IG-88...) were made by HT. :lol
No. Hot Toys just does it best... and everyone wants it. You're SOL on older figures. Look on ebay.

... and it'll be the end of the world if they hold the 1/6 license.

Sorry, I meant if they held the 1/6 license for Marvel characters. I'm honestly shocked that Sideshow wouldn't attempt to make one... but they just sell Hot Toys on their own site. The thing that annoys me is it seems everything Hot Toys is underproduced. Everything seems to be double the intial price as it seems a ton of people buy them up, leave them sealed, and wait it out on ebay. :mad:
It's not that It's under-produced, it's that it's intentionally limited in quantity. this allows for a greater degree of QC. IF you jump on the bandwagon late, you're usually SOL on limited edition anything really.

Hot toys products, being as popular as they are, exemplify this. My advice to you is simple. get on the product early. get on some newsletters, and pre-order, pre-order, pre-order.
Medicom made 12" Marvel figures. So did Marvel Studios. At the moment HT is making movie Marvel.
It's probably been talked about before on this board but I'm too lazy to research. Didn't Sideshow make some new deal with HT to do Marvel figures? That's why the blue and red "Stealth" Iron Man is coming out..right? Does this mean we'll be getting other Marvel "Comic" figure?
I like how that one guy in his SDCC video was saying all the 12" figures (Grievous, Gree, Boba Fett, IG-88...) were made by HT. :lol

I'm curious as to how much truth there might be in this little tidbit. Obviously the guy was talking out of his ass in the video, but looking at Sideshow's output over the last few years versus what they've shown in the last month or two is an unbelievable leap in quality. Even Hot Toys themselves didn't improve that quickly. Granted all they've shown is hand-painted protos at this point, and we haven't seen final production yet. Perhaps they're simply sending their protos to Hot Toys' factory with their magic QC department. Who knows??
I'm curious as to how much truth there might be in this little tidbit. Obviously the guy was talking out of his ass in the video, but looking at Sideshow's output over the last few years versus what they've shown in the last month or two is an unbelievable leap in quality. Even Hot Toys themselves didn't improve that quickly. Granted all they've shown is hand-painted protos at this point, and we haven't seen final production yet. Perhaps they're simply sending their protos to Hot Toys' factory with their magic QC department. Who knows??

If you collected the Joe line, you would've seen the stages in development and QC improvements. HT still kicks all kinds of ass in the paint department, but Sideshow's catching up everywhere else.
The newest stuff from Sideshow is all non-human characters (except for Fett, but even then he wears a helmet).

For something like droids and General Grievous, they've got all the parts together as one system. Whereas with regular characters like a human character, they've got to balance how to do the body, along with the clothing, and the head sculpt. So they are a bit easier to maintain quality when it's all the same type of thing.
I like how that one guy in his SDCC video was saying all the 12" figures (Grievous, Gree, Boba Fett, IG-88...) were made by HT. :lol

are you talking about HCCTR? if so, I think what that guys is saying is right, sideshow name, but Hot Toys parts and work underneath:rotfl
Just so you know, what you think is incorrect.
Sideshow has made massive improvements. take a look at Zartan, and Rock -n-Roll.
Or talk to silent surfer, the sideshow employee who posts here, and painted the Grievus prototype, as well as talked to the sideshow dev team who made Grevious.
Hey guys, I was browsing Sideshow's website, and they had preorders available for Captain America. I then realized it was made by Hot Toys... and after some more searching, found out Hot Toys also made the sold out Ironman and Thor! Does Hot Toys hold some sort of exclusive license on Marvel or will Sideshow release their own versions soon? It just seems to me that Hot Toys never makes enough... as shown by the Dark Knight Joker figures. But I hear that Sideshow just got the DC Comics license. It's all so very confusing for me lol.

Really? :dunno
4 versions of the Joker aren't enough?
Really? :dunno
4 versions of the Joker aren't enough?

Well... just look at how much DX01 Jokers are going for on eBay. The only ones under $500 or even $600 have already had parts sold off. Sure there are quite a few available... just have to shell out over $1000 to what has to be scalpers.
Oh you meant enough in quantities... sorry!
I thought you meant enough variants! :lol my bad!!
Well, that's pretty much with every HT figure,
they are widely available for a few months, after that, it's really hard to find one @ retail prices... some skyrocket like Billie Jean Michael Jackson, or Blade, or Wolverine, Preds can get pretty expensive too...
it's just the nature of limited editions...