Does Rogue One detract from A New Hope?

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Does Rogue One detract from A New Hope?

  • Yes, RO detracts from ANH

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • No, RO neither detracts from nor enhances ANH

    Votes: 18 22.8%
  • No, RO enhances ANH

    Votes: 49 62.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters

Prime Clone

Super Freak
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Outer Rim territories
Vote on whether you think Rogue One detracts from A New Hope.

It could do this by:

  • Removing the mystery of what happens immediately before the ANH opening crawl.
  • The heroics of Scarif overshadowing the heroics of Yavin.
  • Vader's RO rampage upstaging his presence in ANH.
  • Luke's destruction of the Death Star made less impressive by the fact there was a deliberate technical flaw.
  • RO showing more hardware (eg. AT-ATs, U-wings) and Stormtrooper types than ANH.
  • The more modern effects and look of RO ('70s moustaches notwithstanding!)

Or some other reason.

Or not. Please share your thoughts!
Removing the mystery of what happens immediately before the ANH opening crawl. Nope
The heroics of Scarif overshadowing the heroics of Yavin.Nope, it's told in the ANH crawl that the rebels have won their first battle against the empire
Vader's RO rampage upstaging his presence in ANH. The scene was not needed in the story but damn, finally vader kicking asses
Luke's destruction of the Death Star made less impressive by the fact there was a deliberate technical was never implied that destroying the death star is miraculous. It was always said that there was a flaw in the construction
RO showing more hardware (eg. AT-ATs, U-wings) and Stormtrooper types than ANH. The "Hardware" is specific to Scarif, deployed to defend scarif. I'm not surprised that it's not seen elsewhere. Plus, some of these are seen in Star Wars Rebels
The more modern effects and look of RO ('70s moustaches notwithstanding!) The look and feel is safe, IMO!

Rogue One is fantastic.
It bothers me that we got Vader being an unstoppable badass in RO then had to see him do this in ANH

Looking at that now I see it as Vader toying with Obi-Wan. JMO of course.

There are a few rationalizations for the slow-paced duel: Vader was toying with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan was trying to draw it out so everyone could escape, maybe there was a force battle between the two we couldn't see happening that limited their physical confrontation, etc. When I saw it as a kid, I didn't care because it was just awesome to see Darth Vader fighting with a light saber. Now, technology allows filmmakers to portray the Jedi/Sith using their powers like crazy--which is awesome. However, knowing this doesn't make it any less jarring to see Vader tearing through people in RO while using the Force like a mother ****er then just stand around swinging his light saber with less energy than I did as a kid when I used a cardboard wrapping paper tube.
Not an apples to apples comparison since Vader never faced a firing squad in ANH. The closest he came was when Han opened fire in the Cloud City dining room and that Vader *does* feel like the one we saw in RO.

ANH has always been a bit of a jarring visual downgrade compared to ESB, ROTJ, and now RO. Such is the nature of it's comparatively limited budget and effects techniques that were still in their infancy. But that's unavoidable and ultimately a big part of it's enduring charm.

Visual discrepancies notwithstanding ANH's drama is only enhanced by the heightened stakes and sacrifices presented by RO.
Removing the mystery of what happens immediately before the ANH opening crawl. Nope
The heroics of Scarif overshadowing the heroics of Yavin.Nope, it's told in the ANH crawl that the rebels have won their first battle against the empire
Vader's RO rampage upstaging his presence in ANH. The scene was not needed in the story but damn, finally vader kicking asses
Luke's destruction of the Death Star made less impressive by the fact there was a deliberate technical was never implied that destroying the death star is miraculous. It was always said that there was a flaw in the construction
RO showing more hardware (eg. AT-ATs, U-wings) and Stormtrooper types than ANH. The "Hardware" is specific to Scarif, deployed to defend scarif. I'm not surprised that it's not seen elsewhere. Plus, some of these are seen in Star Wars Rebels
The more modern effects and look of RO ('70s moustaches notwithstanding!) The look and feel is safe, IMO!

Rogue One is fantastic.

Nuff said indeed sir nuff said and well said! Totally agree! Couldn't have said it better myself. Rogue One is an awesome story. Loved how it showed not every victory ends in total victory with our heroes coming back from battle. Also shows how many sacrifices are made in life.

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It bothers me that we got Vader being an unstoppable badass in RO then had to see him do this in ANH


When you last fight someone and they literally ****ed you up to within an inch of your life, this hesitant not overly aggressive style makes sense. Hell, you see it in combat sports when an aggressive fighter goes after a counter puncher, they settle their **** down.

I am sure Vader did not feel threatened by the rebel fighters at all of what they brought to the table.
*Mentally* for me Rogue One feels very distant? from ANH - probably for lots of reasons - the ANH characters are familiar and iconic, different tone, the films feel so different to me that the connections are there, but kinda dim. It's like reading a book that has this prologue chapter then fast-forwards.

I'd barely think of Rogue One if at all watching ANH. Plus the obvious advances in film.
When you last fight someone and they literally ****ed you up to within an inch of your life, this hesitant not overly aggressive style makes sense. Hell, you see it in combat sports when an aggressive fighter goes after a counter puncher, they settle their **** down.

I am sure Vader did not feel threatened by the rebel fighters at all of what they brought to the table.

But there was no high ground in the corridor so the fight was even :monkey3

Everyone can rationalize it however they want. The fight in ANH is what it is because of the limitations of technology at the time and the people involved. Old Obi-Wan wasn't going to be jumping around in the 70's. :lol
When you last fight someone and they literally ****ed you up to within an inch of your life, this hesitant not overly aggressive style makes sense. Hell, you see it in combat sports when an aggressive fighter goes after a counter puncher, they settle their **** down.

I am sure Vader did not feel threatened by the rebel fighters at all of what they brought to the table.

Prequels are fake news.