Awesome set there, V-Rap.
Congrats, mate.
But on the subject about what the others said...true dat.
A 1:6 chromed endo would be great and due to the teaser it IS almost certain that it comes, but I, for my self, had 2 spots which I wanted to fill, since I couldn´t have a look any longer at my "display" with my 6" T3´s and DVD Editions. There had to be something new.
And when I saw the windows in my shelf in the living room and on top of that WAS already contemplating skipping the Avengers, it was pretty obvious to fill those big gaps with 1:4´s.
First now was the Enterbay BD 1:4 and I´m not regretting the buy and I bet that I won´t on my second and LAST 1:4 piece.
The HT Endo.
So if you can afford it...get it, it won´t be cheaper and I also bet that HT is gonna up the prize on the 1:6, because of all the positive buzz on the 1:4.