Episode II Obi Wan - Image Thread

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No idea, I'm donating mine to Les so he can have Trev's awesome sculpt.

I'd say maybe sell the head and keep the body for possible future needs, never hurts having spare bodies.

You could always scrape the hair down and do a wethead Obi. Find some way, like what DA does on Jason VIII, to get a wet look for the robes and you've got a perfect set-up for Obi vs. Jango.

Thats a really cool thing to do. Maybe I'll donate mine to someone in exchange for free services. :dunno

I can see it now, "Swap ya for a head job?" :p
Just so I don't leave my friend pix hanging as the only perv :lol


C'mon Wednesday.

Yes Sean. I just about have to get out the spray bottle since roaming my office in nude has made Nudiwan a bit too frisky!

Woo-boy....has anyone got some new pictures of this figure to share yet? (Preferably clothed).....Folks are gettin' a little punchy waiting.... :)
I left my want list for my birthday (it's this coming Friday, April 3. I'll be 38.) for my wife. Guitar Hero Metallica for my Xbox 360 is number 1, and Sideshow's Ep. II Obi-Wan is number 2 on my list. I let her know how to call and pay for him over the phone. I hope she actually does it for me! I only have until Wednesday to pay for it, or my order is canceled per Kathy at Sideshow. :eek:

He looks great! Excellent paint job. And I never noticed that the little belt pouches open up. Has that always been the case, or is it new with this guy?

Been a standard since ROTS Anakin. While not all the little goodies can go in them, a fair ammount can.

A big plus to SSC for making the belts functional.