Episode II Obi Wan - Image Thread

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I'm-a-cursed! :horror

Ok. First impression.

Great figure.

Krayt, the paint job looks good in person. I was prepared to hate it, but it is one of SS's nicer paint jobs on a Buck styled head.
The only thing that the Buck head excels at is the eyes. Everything else looks better on the PRO head.

Ok, so the final prognosis is, it's a better paint job than early photos suggested, but other than the eyes, still not as good as Clonobi, good, the grand scheme still works.
Ok, that is some major gheyness going on in those photos. Hope no one else is in your office lol.
Thankfully. Going by your images, the AOTC hair and beard look more on the brown side, Clonobi beard looks more proper orange toned, that right?

How well does the saber hook on the belt? I found the Clonobi hilt wouldn't hook onto the ROTS belt well.
My review:

The head paint is better than early reports suggested. The beard actually is fully painted (on mine at least). The eyes are painted wellm (except for the doll dot :cuss). The moles really are a distractin point. Who ever decided Ewan's moles needed to be painted dark brown was out of their mind. It does look terrible in person. The hair is kind of a "meh" paint job. Definitely prefer the Clonobi on all accounts but the eyes.

The clothing material was a bit of a surprise. The white undershirt is really really thin (I mean practically tissue paper thing) which helps with the overall look of the figure but it makes you a bit worried when futzing because you're worried about it tearing.

The lightsaber does not fit the clip. :cuss

The boots are painted kinda of weird but they are very soft rubber and my TT feet have no problem bends where they need to bend to get a good pose.

I would give him :rock :rock :rock

on the TT he is a :rock :rock :rock :rock