Episode II Obi Wan - Image Thread

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What a *ahem* amusing series of shots there Pix...the figure does look good, especially the outfit.
On those boots...are they similar to the ones that came with Antilles material-wise?

Looking forward to more pics....
I don't have Antilles (see Pix's WTT thread: Dead Mall Santa for anyone who wants to trade :D) but the boots are really soft and pliable. I can get just about any pose I want out of the TT body he is on.
I kinda wanna throw mine on a Pro just to see how it looks, plus wasn't Ewan about the same size as Mark H anyway?
Are Ep. 2's shirt and tabbards the same as Ep. 3's?

No, ROTS Kenobi is sort of a cream/white while this is much more of a brown/tan.

EDIT: And now that I think about it.. I think the tunic and tabbards may actually look good on Qui Gon.
I'm thinking of getting a spare Ep2 set for my Ep3 figure, the Ep3 isn't white, but it's definitely lighter than it should be.

So the AOTC stuff is brown? Some of the pics so far have looked more like an almost butter yellow.
It looks fine in the photos, I'm just trying to gauge how much a difference I might notice tomorrow. Very excited. I essentially had my Ep2 Kenobi months ago with my bash, but the clothes never were quite right, I've been eagerly awaiting having the proper clothes.
I'm almost positive I'm going to behead my Clone Obi, and put everything on a Pro just because it seems to look more "right" on a newer body.
I'll have to see how the new duds drape on the TT since the tunic and undershirt both seem to be new materials, but the Plo Koon undershirt and ROTS tunic needed the added padding of the tank top I have on my TT to fill in aound the neck/shoulders a bit.
Looking at my Clonobi head in anticipation, if SSC could just LOSE the doll dot, their eyes would look so much better. C'mon Sideshow, Hot Toys is using moveable eyes now, it's time to move on, doll dots downgrade the paint apps.
Well when people make cracks about Sideshow eyes looking zombie like or whatever, which I often don't agree with, a lot of that is the dot. It can be so overpowering as to be the focal point when you look at the eyes, and when you're looking at the figure in lighting conditions where there wouldn't be a light catch or at least in the spot it's painted on, it really stands out. It's such a small thing, I really don't understand the attachment to using it, and to make this improvement on figures should be easy, it's not doing something new, it's ceasing to do something, save money on white paint, less work time for the painters, it's all good things :lol