Every single one of you people are out of your minds.

Collector Freaks Forum

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Freaked Out
CF Supporter
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
Whitsett, NC
And I can't figure out why I keep coming back here:horror

I've bought from Sideshow for a long time and never even discovered that there is a message board. For the majority of my collecting life I have spent numerous hours on the Spawn.com message boards, never finding any other place that just felt comfortable. Like a real good bowl of nachos or peeing in the ocean.

Then somehow I managed to find myself here, and just about got an aneurysm seeing how many more cool things there are to collect. Which is why I am flat broke now, and still trying to resist buying more:banghead:

My collection consists of about 98% 6" action figures, a few statues, prop replicas, and I can't even begin to list the items I have on preorder. Now I have been lusting, I mean Lusting after some 1/6 scale figures, and hanging around here has not, at ALL, done anything to help it.

If you are still reading, my name is Caleb and I am addicted to collecting.
well the first step is to admit you have a problem:D and the next is to show off your collection. Welcome to the "FREAKS", you'll love it here:joy

Beware of the weirdos here... :lol:lol
