Just a little freaky
I ordered a Vincent Price figure off the executive replicas site when it was on a couple months ago. I emailed them to find out when this batch was going to be released and got absolutely no response. I've followed up a few times now and they're still ignoring me. Their twitter isn't active and so I don't know how to get a hold of them. Is this normal behavior? Did they just scam me? Weird since I read good things about them before.
I ordered a Vincent Price figure off the executive replicas site when it was on a couple months ago. I emailed them to find out when this batch was going to be released and got absolutely no response. I've followed up a few times now and they're still ignoring me. Their twitter isn't active and so I don't know how to get a hold of them. Is this normal behavior? Did they just scam me? Weird since I read good things about them before.