Fantasizing About HT SW Figures That Aren't Bespin Luke Thread

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Well it would be cool if HT did some caracters from the OT and as some said, mainly the ANH versions of Luke, Han, Leia, Vader, Ben, Stormie and Chewie. But letting SS give the 1:6 line to HT... I don't think so. SS makes to much money with the 1:6 line to give it to someone else.

THose were just examples. The skywalker is the limit in here. :lecture

Fixed :peace

Dx double pack rots anakin and crispy fried anakin. Lol

With what flavor? :nana:
Padme? F#ck that sh$t. Why waste their time on such a pointless character when they could be focusing on DX Watto?
She might be a looker on screen (Black Swan:naughty) but we all know HT sucks at sculpting females. And the character is so boring. What would she come with? A blaster rifle and 10 different outfits?:thud:
seriously...of all the figures and stuff they could have done as the first star wars release. HT does a $299 bespin luke... WTF :slap
If you've been paying any attention to this, you'd know that all the figures and stuff they can do are limited to figures exactly like Bespin Luke.