To me DOFP is far and away the best X-Men movie but I feel like a lot of people have mentioned that they still prefer X2 (or even X1.) So time for a poll!
Forgot First Class on the last one.
Forgot First Class on the last one.
DoFP is my favorite, followed by First Class. I don't think the older ones hold up all that well, and The Wolverine fell apart towards the end. It's a shame we didn't get an entire movie dedicated to just a young Xavier and Magneto. Based on the early portion of First Class, that could have been something really special.
2. X2
3. First Class
4. X1
5. Wolverine
6. X3
7. Origins Wolverine
This would be my order, but switch X2 with First Class for the No. 2 slot.
For me it goes:
1. X2
2. X-Men Days of Future Past
3. X-Men First Class
4. X-Men
5. The Wolverine
6. X3
7. X-Men Origins: Wolverine