looks like some ppl just love spreadin negativity. well ive gotten mostly positive comments about the costume from other sites so i dontcare what one person thinks. and yes i agree that im pretty sure i can get away with the look since im sort of a medium build. i know somewhere in the world, some heavyweight slob is doing a"joke" rambo. well im not like that. i do "serious" costumes.
also, im pretty sure the costume would look better if the camera quality was better, but these crappy camera photo's dont do it justice IMO. the costume i think looks way better in person. also, i plan to work out the whole week, i mean more then usual, even the morning before i go out in the suit, so i looked as "pumped" as possible. also gonna see if i can find some good bronzer and baby oil for added effect.
many ppl i see are doing or like to do "joke" costumes that dont require any almost any effort. i, however, get into it and like to pick a "cool" character and do it as accurate as i can so ppl are more impressed. some costumes i see are just like a guy with a hat on and a logo tshirt, or plain clothes with some stupid mask, or something i consider "lame". i try to be um, not lame? lol. i think i put more effort into this outfit that i ever have in any outfit. well, last year i tried to do indiana jones and got some great compliments, but i wish i coulda been more accurate, so ill save that for next year. this year i wanted to do rambo.
so your sayin that you want me as a figure? lol!