(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Some childhood toys stories of mine...

Fondest memory was probably my Monchichi monkey I got for Christmas. I was snooping for presents early and actually found him hidden in my parents closet weeks before Christmas! I instantly fell in love with the little guy, but had to contain myself as not to give away that I had found it. It was the longest 2 weeks or so of my life. :lol Once I opened him up on Christmas day he rarely left my side. He looks like hell now, and got so beat up over the years that my mom actually tossed him in the trash about 3 different times, but I always dug him out and kept him. I call him Old Chi now. He is proudly displayed in on of my Detolfs. I will probably be buried with him. :)

Second big memory was with Transformers. I remember wanting Transformers a lot growing up and always playing with other kids' TF on the playground etc. as the only ones I really ever got were the small ones and knock off types. My family couldn't really get all the expensive toy goodies of the time but we made due. I remember one Christmas getting a big box and opening it up... inside was my first ever actual big Transformer! Jetfire! Woo hoo! I knew what this meant to get, it was a big one, and pretty pricey at the time. I was so happy. Everytime I played with it I would always clean it afterward and put it neatly back in it's box. I never played with it in any sandboxes or other areas it could get beat up. I kept it pristine. It was my only TF, and I was going to keep it minty. I still have it with it's box today, still in excellent condition. Nice to find out it's one of the more expensive ones too now.

Thirdly was when I first started dating Angie. She was over hanging out and asked to use the computer cause she wanted to check something on Ebay... I was like, "What's Ebay?"... she then said something like... "I'll probably regret showing you but come here and I'll show you..." And she showed me how Ebay worked... I said, "So you can just look up stuff and find it to buy it? Stuff that's no longer in stores and stuff?" The first thing I looked up was the Maxx statue from CS Moore... I remember seeing it in an ad in the comic back in 1994 or whatever and thinking how much I would love to own it... but there was no way I could ever afford it. ($175+ retail lol) So I had her check ebay for one... and there it was... several of them for the taking... all way below retail years later after being sold out! I was hooked. :rotfl I soon bought one and I believe that was the first statue I ever bought. Paid between $45-$75 for it, don't really remember. But I soon was looking up everything that alluded me in the past. Good times.

Awesome... I seem to recall seeing Old Chi in your collection photos.

And a great story about Jetfire and eBay. I believe the rare jetfire is the one that still has Robotech Stickers on the wings... not positive about that.

I remember my first taste of eBay was hearing a commercial for it on the radio and them talking about how you could find anything including a vintage Chewbacca. So I got online and decided to search for original Thundercats comic art.... found something right away and wanted to bid as it was about to end. Sadly I couldn't get the registration email fast enough and missed out, but after that I was hooked. I used to spend hours combing auctions to complete my M.U.S.C.L.E. collection :lol

It sucks loosing toys. I remember losing some Crystar figures out in my front yard when I was a kid... never knew what happened to them. Still have the dragon somewhere though. (missing a wing sadly)

Yeah, I broke the wings of my dragon and lost the staff. Up until a few years ago the Dragon body and figure were still at my mom's house, but I didn't have much use for them. But I remember how cool I thought those were especially that the dragon could be pushed along on a string to look like he was flying.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Haha, yup. That is the Dragon I have. :) Lost that green guy and Crystar himself in the yard somewhere. :(
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It sucks loosing toys. I remember losing some Crystar figures out in my front yard when I was a kid... never knew what happened to them. Still have the dragon somewhere though. (missing a wing sadly)

I hated losing guns.... the worst ever. Like in a deep lawn?? I'd spend hours sifting through every blade of grass to find Grunt's M-16.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Thank you, NECA. Thank you....no matter what else you've done to me. :lol

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I need one. TRU? My brother got me an Eddie Guerrero Hall of Fame fig at Target yesterday. Very cool!

Millennium Godzilla is arriving tomorrow! That'll give me all the major eras for my collection.

I actually got her, the spacesuit Ripley, and Dallas from a collectible store near me. They were having a 20% off sale, but the guy typed in 50.1% off instead and I got all three for $27 after tax.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I actually got her, the spacesuit Ripley, and Dallas from a collectible store near me. They were having a 20% off sale, but the guy typed in 50.1% off instead and I got all three for $27 after tax.

I'm gonna need that HT Ripley, if they ever decide to open a PO....
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Gona have to search for Ripley after basketball.

And Punk thats awesome you know someone working on virtual reality. It will be mainstream soon. Cant wait to see potential. Imagine walking around the Falcon and actually interacting with things.

Sent from my SM-G360P using Tapatalk
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I wonder if they'll made a tiny underwear version with the buttcrack.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

They included the Leon and Ada from Resident Evil 6 in their most recent preview book thing. If those guys from that terrible game get made, I think Ripley is a sure thing.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm one of the 5 guys that wants them to release that Lone Ranger.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm still waiting for them to announce Captain Barbossa. Gonna be a long wait.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Gona have to search for Ripley after basketball.

And Punk thats awesome you know someone working on virtual reality. It will be mainstream soon. Cant wait to see potential. Imagine walking around the Falcon and actually interacting with things.

Sent from my SM-G360P using Tapatalk

Yeah, the fact that you can turn your head and see things in a 360 view is crazy.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You takez my lunch monies?
LOL I was a tiny kid, and when I say tiny I mean TINY. I looked like that lil nerdy kid but was athletic at the same time.