re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
i only saw in 2d. but i will see it in 3d Imax, and real 3d, and then 2 more times just for good measure.
I saw it on Imax 3D, and thought it was AMAZING!!! I recommend seeing it that way, for those who have Imax screens.
I closed my Twitter account yesterday. I'm hoping I can do Facebook next. Social media is meh.
I'm kinda jealous. I hate social media. I mainly use Twitter for contests. I use Facebook for looking at specific pages, when I'm researching something. I don't read the news feed. I'm more likely to read tweets than the Facebook feed. Ain't nobody got time for that!
2D. There was nothing special about the 3D for this one.
I disagree, but maybe the 3D is better in Imax.
Bye Waller. Have fun being old!
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We had to see it in 3D. I'd say see it in 2D. Nothing really on the 3D at all that I noticed other than the depth of the backgrounds... otherwise I wouldn't have even known I was watching it in 3D.
I thought the depth was AMAZING, and there were some things that jumped out of the screen. But, it was a conversion. There just aren't many films shot in 3D, besides cartoons. But there are 2 coming out this year that were. The Walk, and The Martian. I'm definitely seeing The Martian.
Display cabinet is Finally done!
This is now my view from the couch
Probe Droid and Bossk are in place!
Looks great, but man, Bossk and Probot look lonely. They need friends!
Facebook seems to be the worst in my opinion. Some days I go there and my feed is nothing but things people liked or commented on. Facebook seems to think we want to see everything our friends liked and commented on even if it's friends of theirs who we don't even know. It seems there is very few actual posts or photos from people.
Yep, Facebook is awful, unless you really really like to read about what's happening in a zillion people's lives. The one cool thing about Twitter is that you can tweet a celebrity, and they might respond to you. I never do this, but my friend does it all the time. About half of them responded!
Just saw Jurassic World - great movie. Enjoyed a couple of the throwbacks to the original film.
Yep. And of course, they left the door open for another sequel.