(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Me is to action figures as my dad is to disc golf:rotfl
I drew this for my dad for Father's Day.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Any of you fuggers going to SDCC? I thought I was in the clear with exclusives for this year but then of course Funko tempts me again...

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The machete is in the wrong hand. I just watched Jaws... :lecture

Yes, yes, yes, I know... but still I like it. It's only a promo photo so hopefully they'll fix it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I watched Jurassic Park and now it's time to go to bed.

The regular Mosasaur is on waitlist. Was gonna use that 15% code this Friday on him, but not gonna be able to do that now.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Hopefully he'll pop back up. If not now, down the road.

The new True Detective, I'm liking it so far.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

New Jurassic movie pretty good.

I think they moves into the main story too quickly though. There was more build up I think needed. More tension.

Surprised more were enamored with the caretaker...

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I like the weird girl in the control room and Opie Cunningham's daughter.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

weirdo girl and cool nerdy guy with Jurassic Park shirt were funny!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Weirdo girl was the girl that lived across the hall from Peter Parker? I had no idea.