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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Getting ready for another day. I'll try to start posting my pics later. Though JJ found some really good shots.

Thoughts so far. SS/HT has some really fantastic stuff. Godzilla looks awesome and he's a huge sob. Probably gonna be $600 easy I'd bet. All the SW 1:6 are simply fantastic and you OT guys are in for a real treat. I wasn't expecting Marvel 1:6 but knew they had the license so that was cool to see. King you're going to love that Pin Head PF! Really well done. It looks like the pins might be metal. The Old Ben LSF is really well done, IMO. The paint and detailing on it are solid but he's going to be super exspensive and you better be a hardcore super duper SW fan to get it. All that being said there is not a single thing at SS booth that I will be buying. So despite them having one of their best showings I'll be saving money.

Now that's a totally different story when it comes to Weta. Their booth was the first place I hit last night. The new Balrog statue was the first item I saw and my jaw must have dropped because Dad and Wetanut were giving me all kinds of crap. I have the SSW one and it's one of the best pieces I own but this will quickly move up the ladder. It's twice the size of that one and has more detailing in it. It does have a couple things of tweak but all-in-all it's one of the best pieces at the show. Their giant Smaug statue is also amazing! He's so creaking detailed as is the base it's kind of scary just how good it is. The paint job on it is also one of the best I've ever seen even on a proto. You can't go wrong with this one if you're a fan. I expect both this and the Balrog to be at least $750. Thror and and Faramir are also really great and ones I will get. Very pleased with both of them. Needless to say Weta will be getting most of my money.
