Force FX saber questions

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Super Freak
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
South Farthing, FL
Greetings all!

Had a fe wquestions regarding the Force FX lightsabers and was looking for some Freak help@!

I was thinking about getting a couple to frame a print I got recently.

What are you thoughts on'em?

Do they burn bright with intense color, or kinda water-down? I ask because I see on ebay one or two people selling "extra bright" customs.

Can you ignite the blade, and turn the sound off?

How long is the Vader?

I was thinkin of Vader and Luke ROTJ?

Any thoughts comments are welcomed!
I really like them. I have 5 and would get another if I had the space.
They are pretty bright. Depends on the color, the blue and green are brighter than the red and purple. But they do a good job lighting up a dark room. Once when the power went out and I didn't have a flashlight close by I used one to make sure I didn't trip over anything. I personally don't feel like an extra bright one would be worth having, I think the regular ones are just fine.

If the blade is on the sound is on. You could muffle it by putting something over the end where the sound comes out. I'd say they are about 3 feet give or take a bit.
Thanks for taking the time to reply Agent!

Yeah, they look pretty cool.

What did they retail for? And when were they produced roughly? I went to MR's site and they dont currently have a SW lic.

Thanks again for the help!
A pic of my Anakin Master Replica...I think every star wars fan should have 1.
Very sturdy construction and the look on peoples faces when you turn it on in a dark room is priceless

MR's first made them a while back, i think hasbro is making them now

Indeed. Master Replicas lost the Star Wars license and now Hasbro is making them. I have the ANH and ESB Darth Vader sabers (due to my Imperial focus) and they are great!
Thanks for all the replies!!!

And is Hasbro CURRENTLY making them? Can I go down to the local Toyrs R Us and put peepers on one?

What did they retail for? And were their any limited eds?

Does anyone know the expected lifespan of the light, or had to replace it?

I was thinking of using them on the wall around a SW print. Its also my "office" so I would like to have'em blazin when I spend time in there, you know, for a few hours at a time.

Thanks for the pic Balsquat!
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i do remember seeing some at TRU but i would just go to hasbros website if you want to order them...they retail for around 99 bucks
i do remember seeing some at TRU but i would just go to hasbros website if you want to order them...they retail for around 99 bucks


Just checked out TRU, they have them. I may just slide on in and see if they have one I can see and touch!

Is there any difference between MR and Hasbro? I mean quality-wise? Hasbro sounds so toyish, Master Replicas just sounds better IMO.....:monkey3
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They use LED lights so whatever the standard lifespan for those are. I know its a crazy long time. As for having them on for a few hours they automatically shut off after a few minutes if you aren't swinging them around.
Is there any difference between MR and Hasbro? I mean quality-wise? Hasbro sounds so toyish, Master Replicas just sounds better IMO.....:monkey3

i only have the MR ones cause the ones that hasbro has released are the ones i have already from MR...if you want a master replicas yoda force fx you could go to and get it from there

Just checked out TRU, they have them. I may just slide on in and see if they have one I can see and touch!

Is there any difference between MR and Hasbro? I mean quality-wise? Hasbro sounds so toyish, Master Replicas just sounds better IMO.....:monkey3

Hasbro mentioned in an interview somewhere there using the same place to manufacture them as MR did and from what I've seen the qaulity hasn't changed any.
I wouldnt want them on in the background,
Those things are LOUD!!!
I LOVE the fact that if you point a domestic video camera at one of these babies, the Way that the camera is designed to gather in every little speck of light it can, amplifies the blade's glow tenfold. So On video Force FX's actually end up looking Rotoscoped.....its as close to having a real one as you can get!
I would keep a look out for Luke Ep6 Green one,
I have one in every colour and that one looks the coolest and brightest!