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Super Freak
Mar 23, 2010
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Is anyone else watching this series? I love it so much. Season 2 has really dialled it up with the storyline and the effects are probably the best on tv right now. I know this show deviates greatly from the novels, but the Cleonic Dynasty is such a great addition and Lee Pace has been outstanding.



Thought S1 was great (I'm not that beholden to the Asimov original material that I can't enjoy this on its own). Interesting premise, good cast, incredible visuals, haven't started S2 yet, though looking forward to it.
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Amazing series, Lee Pace is phenomenal in it (which is no surprise if you've watched Halt and Catch Fire). Season 2 is a bit slow to warm but inevitably exceeds expectations.

The visuals are stunning and the acting is equally on par.

I'd love to see some 1/6 Scale Figures though I don't know which ones I'd want the most.... Hari Seldon with a Prime Radiant!
Is anyone else watching this series?

Enjoy the Empire sections greatly.

Struggle with the Seldin arc to be honest. What might be quite unfortunate is that Apple TV's Invasion, the pilot episode used a huge bait and switch that drove many potential viewers/fans away. So while Foundation didn't do that for the long term, it might appear that way just from the pilot episodes.

Really enjoy Laura Birn as Demarezel. Usually the non human trying to understand humanity angle has been hammered pretty hard in sci fi, but this has some pretty interesting twists to it. Really like the new characters, Constant and the disgraced general, but just can't find anything compelling about Dornick and Hardin.

IMHO, it's really two shows instead of one. The Brother Day element is phenomenal. The Terminus stuff is like eating oatmeal mixed in sawdust. Just my take on it.
Is anyone else watching this series? I love it so much. Season 2 has really dialled it up with the storyline and the effects are probably the best on tv right now. I know this show deviates greatly from the novels, but the Cleonic Dynasty is such a great addition and Lee Pace has been outstanding.

I rewatched the pilot episodes recently ( S1 E1-E2) and it all hits much differently given the most recent episodes.

The more I see of Demerzel from the early episodes, the more I now realize how utterly terrifying she really is in this world. She's almost the answer to a trivia question ( i.e. "What would Bib Fortuna be like if he had the personality of Tywin Lannister?" ) The payoffs from the pilot episodes are now coming to fruition towards the end of this season.

I'm going to say something that might sound like heresy, but I wished they animated this show. Clearly they spent a lot of money on it, but the budgetary choices even factoring that in, sometimes starts to show. This is just a very expansive show and animation would allow longer seasons, longer episodes and more storylines that are too expensive otherwise ( large scale battles, etc) But mainstream audiences are just resistant to animated shows that edge into "prestige" level production.

Longer seasons and longer episodes would be welcome. There's a ton of ground to cover here.
Demerzel is my favourite character in the series. Next episode is a look into her background, so we will finally get to see how she ended up in this position.
Demerzel is my favourite character in the series. Next episode is a look into her background, so we will finally get to see how she ended up in this position.

Here's a theory ( I'll put it in spoilers since the show is still sort of fringe enough where some people haven't seen S1 yet or not caught up yet on S2)

What if Cleon I, the original, is actually a hostage? If you consider it, the safest place to be to "rule" would be the Tom Hagen position. You'll notice Vito, Sonny and Michael all got caught right up in front, in the worst messes in the Godfather. But when Tom Hagen had to take over the Corleone Family in Part 2, he had no expectations of anything, no one really took him that seriously. He had power but really quite little risk in some ways. He grew up with Michael, and Michael knew he was not a fighter, not someone who would betray him, so he was effectively a non threat. A half brother but not out in front. What if Demerzel was the one spiking the clones to be more and more progressively defective and taking silent joy in seeing them suffer and be "euthanized" as they get too old. What if the cloning is actually developed enough to give them literal immortality, but the flaws are placed there on purpose. It's a lifetime of "revenge" So I rewatched the pilot episodes, but not revisited the one where she broke Brother Dawn's neck, nor when she watched one of the Brother Dusk's get cremated alive. She's the one that hunted down the "terrorists" who blew up the Star Bridge. What if the answer is very simple here and she's the one truly behind those attacks? What if she is the main reason for the 30 thousand years of prophesized doom for the Empire? Because she is the only true absolute "constant" in those projected 30 thousand years. What if it takes 1000 years for Seldin and some version of Day/Dusk/Dawn to realize all this and kill her? No one is in a better position to orchestrate the insidious betrayal of the Clones. Maybe that was the point of the sex scene with Brother Day, to show her progressive pathway to being some version of "sentient" in this universe. The gross assumption is that she is "loyal" beyond all reason. But why? Because she's programmed that way? This is just like Goodfellas, when he says it's always the person closest to you, the person you trusted, the person you knew all your life, that's the one who is given the order to put you down in the end. What if the way to kill Demerzel is to free Cleon I? That he's still actually functional, and like Seldin, was conscious the entire time in that "tomb" Just like the female gardner Azura, the same fate she was given. And then Cleon I's first imperative is to kill off the existing Brothers Dawn/Day/Dusk to cement his own power again. Think about that dilemma. You don't free Cleon I, and Demerzel will eventually get you. She will live forever, she has time to hunt you forever. If you do free him, you are unleashing some unknown terror that might be worse than Demerzel. That's a pretty interesting kind of conflict. Not saying that's the case. But it would make me want to rewatch S1 with far more curiosity that way. Just some thoughts.
How good was episode 9! Demerzel is as much a hostage in the Cleonic Dynasty as the Clones themselves.

I was shocked with the events on Terminus. And my theory about Tellum was completely wrong also. I love how unpredictable the series is.

Big season final next week.
Amazing season finale! Laura Birn absolutely killed it as Demerzel this season. An episode that was full of surprises, but also managed to to tie up some loose ends.

Can't wait to see where the series heads next season, after a long time jump.
Amazing season finale! Laura Birn absolutely killed it as Demerzel this season. An episode that was full of surprises, but also managed to to tie up some loose ends.

Can't wait to see where the series heads next season, after a long time jump.

I liked the finale. I'm sorry we lost some characters that I felt, IMHO, were more interesting than previous ones.

Isabelle Laughland/Constant is a gem in this show. But Riose just lit up the screen whenever he showed up.

I liked the finale. I'm sorry we lost some characters that I felt, IMHO, were more interesting than previous ones.

Isabelle Laughland/Constant is a gem in this show. But Riose just lit up the screen whenever he showed up.

Yes, Ben Daniels was brilliant as Bel Riose. Loved his scene at the end with Hober.