Check out this kid's youtube channel dedicated to his brother's freak outs! There's only 3 videos so far.
Check out this kid's youtube channel dedicated to his brother's freak outs! There's only 3 videos so far.
I watched the clip where he gets the old bomb with grafitti all over it. From what I can tell, that kid barely made a dent on the car with the baseball bat, and didn't even go for the windows! Aside from being set-up by his family with the car, it seems some what staged
Ah he is still a kitten, Ween ..a mere kitten I tell you. I've seen more frustration taken out on nicer cars, from ppl trying to pull out of parallel parking!
I watched the clip where he gets the old bomb with grafitti all over it. From what I can tell, that kid barely made a dent on the car with the baseball bat, and didn't even go for the windows! Aside from being set-up by his family with the car, it seems some what staged
If that was his genuine reaction though, he is still a kitten, Ween ..merely a kitten I tell you. I've seen more frustration taken out on nicer cars, from ppl trying to pull out of parallel parking!
To add, I think that if that kid was really serious about not liking that car and truly PO'd, he would have taken it out on those three other vehicles parked in the drive way to convey his feelings
They have a Hummer in the drive way, I'd be pissed too if they made a big deal about a $200 truck with graffiti all over it.
I always liked this one
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I think this is staged... But if it isn't... Those parents have a lot to answer for... People like this are a cancer of human society... "I hate my life!" ??? WTF, he has a comfortable looking home and is a spoilt little monster!
I always liked this one
<EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
Check out this kid's youtube channel dedicated to his brother's freak outs! There's only 3 videos so far.
Did you guys watch the other two vids on that page? That kid really gets in to his WoW!