Freaks sculptor quest!

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Super Freak
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
South Jersey
Attention resident sculptors:
We have 17 members that are committed to purchase for a sculpt of the Wesley Windam Pryce character from Buffy/Angel and at least three more that are willing contingent upon the sculpt.
We are looking for an original sculpt and a cast of that sculpt for each member.
We aren't looking for possession of the original so the sculptor can pursue further sculpts beyond the original amount commissioned. We would like to see some examples of previous sculpts before any formal agreement is reached with each member. There are at least 6 other characters that this same group would be interested in so there is further commission work sure to be had in this line.
Any interested parties, please post your interest in the here or check out the threads in the Whedonville forums.
The following members have committed to purchase a cast:
Anzik Hayes
The Obsolete Man
Kain's Ancient Blade
the vampire with soul

Andy, I just PM'd Sueworld who has tons of good reference. But until she gets back to us how is this?


Anzik, you might want to find another reference. :lol
Here you go, I started a thread housing some reference photos for this proposed project some time back. Many people seem to be mainly interested in the later seasons version of him.....I know I am! :D

I'll go and search on my HD and see if I've got any others.

*ETA* Here's a much larger version of the headshot above.

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I'd love to get involved with this, but the amount of commissions (repaints/rescupts) I've got will take me until at least Christmas as it is....

I couldn't really think about taking anything else on until then. Hopefully you'll have found something by then :) I hope you manage to sort it out.
I can't believe, I'm even throwing my hat in for this(considering the talent on this Board) but if you guys would like me do attempt *cough* attempt this. I'd be more than happy to do sculpt the head for you all. You can see my entry to the sculpting field in my custom forum - See my signature for the link.
If you can get 10 collective "Yes" from the group for my go ahead, that is if you all think my skills are up to par. I'll sculpt the head and upon an honest approval, I'll cast the head for you all and send it out...

Once the sculpt is approved by you all. I'll figure out the casting costs + shipping then... I'm in Australia So I'd be guessing $30-$40 USD a head shipped... Note: That's an extremely rough, jagged quote! ;)

.I'm not a Buffy hardcore, so you'll have to provide all the reference pictures for me.

Let me know Cheers...:D

PS: If you have organised some one of real talent with proper credintials, Like Andy Les or Darren, please let me know... I don't want to be left wondering is all...:eek: