The two things I love more than anything are robots and dystopian looking futuristic figures.
The video game Destiny and Titanfall have done this marriage very very well. In fact the designs from Destiny are probably some of my favorites. When I saw Amazon had a lightning deal on three zeros RoboCop figure I immediately thought it would make a great looking Destiny like figure custom.
From the weathered pulse rifle and the weathered rocket launcher to the mixed media of weathered pouches and of course that famous Worn destiny cloak which by the way was made using the scarf from the Titanfall Deluxe box set for the Xbox One. This is my omage to that future cyborg Destiny Style Hunter roaming the Wastelands.

The video game Destiny and Titanfall have done this marriage very very well. In fact the designs from Destiny are probably some of my favorites. When I saw Amazon had a lightning deal on three zeros RoboCop figure I immediately thought it would make a great looking Destiny like figure custom.
From the weathered pulse rifle and the weathered rocket launcher to the mixed media of weathered pouches and of course that famous Worn destiny cloak which by the way was made using the scarf from the Titanfall Deluxe box set for the Xbox One. This is my omage to that future cyborg Destiny Style Hunter roaming the Wastelands.