Re: Gary Oldman Dracula (new pics in first post)
I don't really buy custom pieces as they are usually way out of my budget, but I do love to cone in and look at the pretty pics!
One thing I've noticed is that it's probably not such a good idea to open the door to too much debate and suggestions when it comes to these custom figures. In the end, these are very personal and artistic expressions of each sculptor, and as such, shouldn't really be so much about pleasing the buyers.
I remember when Rainman's work first started showing up, everybody was just in awe of his artistry and admired it. And he's always had his very unique style, not necessarily perfect likeness. In the end, to me that is what made a Raiman piece a Rainman piece. Now it's an incessant deluge if requests to make it "better", and I feel it's losing its mistique in a way.
I think Denny's case is slightly different, as it is more of a small business, but it must be equally frustrating.
I believe in the end, when you buy a custom piece or figure, you are buying that artist's vision and unique style, and you should just buy it if you like it.
Having said all that, I just love Spenser's work!