I hit a milestone awhile back but I was so focused that I missed it.
I've been doing this painting for about a year and a half now (LINK and LINK for the uninitiated) and I have grown so much in terms of quality and I've had so much fun and I could not have done it without you guys. I was trying to think of a way to say thanks. Just saying it isn't enough, especially since I did the dumb, clichéd thing of missing my own anniversary. But still, thank you, everyone who has entrusted your heads to me to paint. I appreciate the trust (and the business).
So what I'm doing is, everyone who has ordered a head paint from me in the past that Likes my Facebook group page and posts a pic of a head paint that I painted for them gets a $10 discount off each head in your next head paint order! It's just that easy.
By way of fine print: let's say you have to join my group and post a pic between now and June and let's say that it's $10 off of each head in the next order and that it's not cumulative (ie. it's $10 off each head no matter how many pictures you post, but please post as many you like
). That way it's a 'the more you order, the more you save' type of deal.
Oh, and let's say the discount doesn't expire so if you don't think you want to send me work between now and June, that's fine. But click Like and post and pic and you're set for whenever you next need my services. 
Why is the cut off so soon, I hear people ask. Well, intrepid followers of my showcase thread know that I announced this deal March, but since then a lot of updates and a lot of comments have buried it and I am posting a new thread to bring attention to it because I didn't want anyone to miss out.

I've been doing this painting for about a year and a half now (LINK and LINK for the uninitiated) and I have grown so much in terms of quality and I've had so much fun and I could not have done it without you guys. I was trying to think of a way to say thanks. Just saying it isn't enough, especially since I did the dumb, clichéd thing of missing my own anniversary. But still, thank you, everyone who has entrusted your heads to me to paint. I appreciate the trust (and the business).
So what I'm doing is, everyone who has ordered a head paint from me in the past that Likes my Facebook group page and posts a pic of a head paint that I painted for them gets a $10 discount off each head in your next head paint order! It's just that easy.
By way of fine print: let's say you have to join my group and post a pic between now and June and let's say that it's $10 off of each head in the next order and that it's not cumulative (ie. it's $10 off each head no matter how many pictures you post, but please post as many you like

Why is the cut off so soon, I hear people ask. Well, intrepid followers of my showcase thread know that I announced this deal March, but since then a lot of updates and a lot of comments have buried it and I am posting a new thread to bring attention to it because I didn't want anyone to miss out.