General Grievous or Darth Maul PF???

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Sep 23, 2008
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Ok, finally got the Boba Fett PF coming in a couple of days and I've already secured my PF Yoda/Clone Trooper PF and so the SW PF bug have officially bitten me in the ass:lol And since there's a good amount of time between me getting Boba and waiting on Yoda, I figured I'd get another one in the meantime. So who would you guys recommend? I can't seem to find a picture thread of either guy so if you guys had pics to share, it would be greatly appreciated in helping me make up my mind.
While I prefer Vader as a character to Grievous, I think the Grievous is a more impressive looking piece and would give it my vote.

Also, good chance we'll see another Armored Vader PF... very unlikely to happen with Grievous.
I think he meant another GG PF. That's what I'm hoping for Vader as well. He's going for abit more than I'd want to spend right now, but one day, I'll get him.
For me its Maul all the way, i have him with his robe as well which makes him look all that much better. + His lightsaber lights up.
I have never been fond of Greivous at all, the concept of 4 arms and 4 lightsabers is cool, but i just never liked the design of him. And none of the sabers on the GG PF light up either.
Well Grievous is a very impressive piece, but he takes up alot of space. Personally I would rather have a couple other pieces in the space that he takes. Boba is also a very awesome PF.
I had the Maul PF and it was very boring. I havent had the General but it looks MUCH more interesting...
I have both, but the General is the better of the two, barely. However, you can't lose on either one.