Ghost Rider Exclusive value after the movie....

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I wouldn't be surprised if the price settles back down once the movie hype is gone. Seems like movie hype always drives the prices up.

I remember when Hellboy came out how much the comics shop up in price on eBay. They're pretty much down to a normal level now.
I passed on the GR maquettes and don't regret it. Even when they had both exclusives up again on second chance a few weeks ago I passed again.

My ideal GR statue would be a PF with leather and a bike that would compliment the sculpt the same way Doom's throne compliments that piece.
I remember when the movie V for Vendetta came out, the mask given away at comic con were selling for $300 a piece for a plastic mask on ebay. I thought of selling mine :lol
that's just silly how a movie can make all the difference. People are weird man....
Darth Waller said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the price settles back down once the movie hype is gone. Seems like movie hype always drives the prices up.

I remember when Hellboy came out how much the comics shop up in price on eBay. They're pretty much down to a normal level now.

i read something in Wizard magazine about how some comics double when a movie comes out. this was around the time of spiderman 2 and they recommended buying some comics for the future release of part 3. can you imagine how much the first appearance of Venom will be???
Imagine if the next Fantastic Four movie base Doom's attire on Sideshow PF? And maybe incorporate the throne and chalice in the movie. Imagine then how much the Doom PF would go up!!! :D
Mookeylama said:
didn't the majority of these exclusives get broken in shipping (flames)? that might affect price

I think the cowboy GR got the worst of it...mine arrive with two broken flames while my modern arrived in mint shape.