Half-Pint Body Possibilities...

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Sep 9, 2005
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Minas Miami
Once SS figures out the Hobbit/Dwarf bodies in the 12" line, you know we'll be getting the following in the Star Wars 12" line:

1. "Yippee!" Anakin.

2. Jawas

3. Yoda(s) (though he's significantly smaller than any of the above.)

4. Ewoks (the whole lot of obnoxious teddy bears... :monkey2 )

But what other characters can you come up with and that have a legitimate chance at being made?

Here's a couple to get you going:

1. Younglings (Anakin/Vader victims... ;) )

2. Kister (I had to look up the name) and Kid-Greedo... :horror :Flush

3. Lando's Falcon co-pilot in Episode VI. (Can't remember his freakin' name...)
I bet you anything that Lucas' son Jett gets made into a figure. But he's kinda not so wee.
Kabe, at least I think that's his name, from the Cantina. Little red/orange suited fury guy.


Maybe not legitmate chances, but just a couple of ideas to put out there.
FlyAndFight said:
3. Lando's Falcon co-pilot in Episode VI. (Can't remember his freakin' name...)
Nien Nunb.

Monitor said:
Kabe, at least I think that's his name, from the Cantina. Little red/orange suited fury guy.
Kabe is correct but he's a she. ;)

God I love being a geek. :D
I don't quite understand why these smaller bodies aren't ready yet! Then again, they might are, but SSC don't see the necessity to tell us?
When will those 2 mysteries be revealed:
-how far is the developing process for the armored figures?
-how far is the developing process for the smaller bodies?
-Am I forgetting the the new female bodies?-

That SSC is selling the Medicom VCD Yoda, and the Medicom Clone trooper now, is ... strange. But it's got nothing to do with the current state of SSC's smaller 12" figures and armored figures (military is announced!) as I belive. They just want to make some extra $$$ :D
When Sideshow makes this new body, we will evetually be complaining that we are only getting 6" figures and want any 12" figures including more Endor Troopers :lol
Off topic, but this whole thread makes me wish they'd cut the crap and do Willow figures!!! I'd buy Mad Martigan, Willow and the whole gang!!!:rotfl
Buttmunch said:
When Sideshow makes this new body, we will evetually be complaining that we are only getting 6" figures and want any 12" figures including more Endor Troopers :lol

:lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl
Killbeggar said:
Nien Nunb.

God I love being a geek. :D

Yes, except Nien Nunb is quite tall. No need for a short body.

His dialogue always sounded like that guy with the knit cap pulled over his face in "Fat Albert".

Howba bouba a libble somebub tobu eatba.
Monitor said:
Off topic, but this whole thread makes me wish they'd cut the crap and do Willow figures!!! I'd buy Mad Martigan, Willow and the whole gang!!!:rotfl

You and me both. I started a thread in the product request area a few weeks back.
Monitor said:
Off topic, but this whole thread makes me wish they'd cut the crap and do Willow figures!!! I'd buy Mad Martigan, Willow and the whole gang!!!:rotfl

Agreed, but I'd only get Martigan and General Kael. Kael would go great next to a Mouth of Sauron and Darth Vader...oh and, Medieval Kurgan too.
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I'd be in for Yoda though he would need an even smaller body than the other little guys and AOTC Boba Fett and some Jawas would also be figures I'd like to see Sideshow attempt. It would be great if Ewoks were done like the actual costumes,ie a fur suit over the little person with the Ewok head being a big furry mask. It would be cool to have a figure of Paploo with a Kenny Baker sculpt underneath and Wicket with a Warwick Davis likeness. I also like the idea of Kabe from the Cantina but I'd want his big buddy Muftak to go with him!!
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