Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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Hate Sideshow's 1/6 eye paint.

WTF !!!!!!!!!! jajajajaaja Nice but , han smoke ?:emperor
Wow, these figures sure have a lot of QC issues. I cancelled my order, as well as all the new SS figures to date. Toht and the Ark was my last straw. SS' quality just isn't there anymore.
I absolutely love my set. Sorry to see so many unhappy with these. I guess I got lucky with the paint apps on mine. My only issue is the extreme tan my two figures seem to be sporting. Would these look better with a repaint? Absolutely. But what figures wouldn't?
Wow, these figures sure have a lot of QC issues. I cancelled my order, as well as all the new SS figures to date. Toht and the Ark was my last straw. SS' quality just isn't there anymore.

Good. More for the rest of us....:emperor

Terrible. That expression makes Han look brain damaged. At least I'll know what head to look for when I decide to make a Regarding Henry custom.

At this moment in time, these are definitive sculpts for ANH Luke and Han. I am glad I kept mine.
Yep, still the same and tomorrow...hmmm I bet it will be...
the same
Yikes, glad to see I wasn't the only one who opened these and went...*hrmpf*. The QA issues are pretty bad on this batch, my Luke has a broken strap and his shoulder armor is disconnected and my Han has a lazy eye. *Sigh*
man.. that sucks that there is so many defects on these figure.. Sideshow needs to to apply so quality assurance on their assembly line...
Overall I'm pretty happy with mine. I could gripe about the paint on the headsculpt, but I think I'm getting used to seeing Han and Luke coming out as less-than-stellar in the end. :(

Sideshow deserves a better factory. :rock
That's the truly sad part. If these all turned out great with even average paint, they would look awesome.