Nerf Herder
I guess I got lucky too. Got mine yesterday and they are great! I agree with you about being them being a couple of the best.
I wish the regular Stormie looked as good as these two out of the box. The armor is nice and shiny and the paint apps on the helmets are excellent!
The paint on the heads on mine is good, thank the maker. No wonky eyes or anything. Those first pics had me leery, but mine look nothing like that.
The bodies are nice and tight but I did have a problem with loose heads. though I got 'em to stay on, I am going to try your tip flosi.
Luke was flawless out of the box and I agree with the previous post about him probably being SS' best Luke so far.
Han looks great as well, but mine did have a couple small issues. I also had a loose holster magnet. Nothing a little supr glue can't fix, and I was fortunate that it was still in the box, stuck to the metal part of the stand. Took me a while to find it. The other problem was that he seems to be missing one of the straps that connects the "butt piece" to the "crotch piece". Fortunately his belt holds them together okay, but I was a little dissapointed with that, though not enough to send him back and I am sure I can fix it.
Anyway, I am VERY happy with them. I also got Vader yesterday and thought for sure my enjoyment of these two would be eclipsed by him, but was pleased to find that wasn't the case. I will tak esome pics when I get home today, I was too busy basking in Sideshow awesomess yesterday to get to them.
Same thing on mine Billy Ray. I was just happy it was still there.