The thing is, the same arguments arise and are quashed, only to have new members join and raise the same problems. That is just part of being on a board.
We have sculptors as members already, and someone like Mat doesn't just have sculpting duties to perform. Artists can be temperamental, especially when their work gets bashed, depending on their mood at the time. At least they are able to read comments, some of which would take more than a thick hide to dismiss. From a professional point of view, they can't always be free to post their thoughts and feelings, without compromising themselves, or who they happen to be working for. It would be great if Mat joined, and he is most welcome to. He has to fight his propensity in the interest of Sideshow, for fear of showing favouritism to one board over another. There can be a backlash, that isn't worth the trouble, for all parties concerned.
Luckily Dave is able to address most of our concerns, or if not, others are able to do the job, in an adequate manner. It is alot of fun being a member and posting comments and having discussions. I would imagine, if Mat joined, the board would become a forum of questions and answers, stifling a fair bit of the discussion. A bit of bashing, while uncalled for, for the most part, can raise points of interest, that can be positive, if taken in the correct light.
To address JustinLuck. We have seen numerous times when a sculpt falls below par, aside from the production process, mostly due to the paint applications. All I can think of there, is for Sideshow to release a limited masters exclusive run, sometime in the future, if it is pheasable, where a sculpt might be hand painted individually by a master painter. Where the sculpt can be shown at its best, for a premium price. I personally don't have the money for such purchases, but with Hot Toys and the like becoming more popular, there would be a number of people that could afford such an extravagance.