has anyone heard anything about the star wars t.v. show?

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it is supposed to be discussed during Comic-Con (which will be on TV if you get G4) - other than that, I haven't heard much.
I was just wondering if anyone has any news on the t.v. series.

Here's what i can add, true or untrue ???

Ive heard the rumours about it being based on Bounty Hunters, but here's the updates today.

Even though we still have our suspicions about the pace at which the much-rumored Star Wars live action TV series is getting made, rumors are popping up saying it may actually be sooner rather than later.

The possible heavy on the Fett series, which has been casting for the Rebel Alliance, is rumored to be in preproduction in Australia, right now.

Sci Fi Wire has the scoop from an Aussie site saying that:

The show is assembling high-quality writers from the Aussie TV industry, including writers from the Love My Way and Secret Life of Us, who have been approached by Lucas' longtime producer Rick McCallum.

So perhaps they may reach their 2010 air-date yet. The Jedi-free series covers what happens between Episode III and Episode IV — which means no Hayden, so it has that going for it. Should be interesting to see if people will have room in their hearts for new Star Wars characters.
Mandalorians have always been popular - I can see that gather a good following, esp if the writing is good. Most SW fans have a soft spot for Fett, so having only more makes sense, as long as they are there own person and not clones, it could be good.

I know I'm hoping so!!
Rumour has it that Sam Witwer may appear as Vader's apprentice, which would be kinda cool...
i'd like to see this series relatively grounded with limited new planets, etc. I always thought Star Trek Deep Space 9 worked well in that respect. Keep the action to Tatooine or Coruscant. I thought the prequels seemed a little spastic with so many settings, especially ROTS.
Rumour has it that Sam Witwer may appear as Vader's apprentice, which would be kinda cool...

I think that one is just a rumor. Vader's apprentice would be too close to Vader and George has openly stated that he's steering completely clear of the Skywalker tales with the show.
I heard it is not based around any of the "main characters" but may involve some cameo's. Also Lucas is now hiring writers for the series which could run as long as 400 episodes.
could be about the Black Sun, I'm sure they were still around between ep III and IV.
it's a soap operas esque drama show. the first few episodes deal with a love triangle between A jawa, An ewok, Darth Vader and a 1977 Buick. In the end Vader has an emo moment, snaps, and kills the ewok and the jawa in a fit of passion, then steals the buick.
Later, he cries himself to sleep eating bon bon's while thinking of padme.
I'm hoping the show doesn't revolve around Fetts or Mandalorians - they never interested me. I wouldn't mind some Boba Fett, but I really hope they don't introduce too many new characters out of thin air (like Ahsoka Tano).

I believe somewhere it was said that Bib Fortuna and Oola will be in the series. I'd imagine that Oola would be a young girl, unless they decide to change her story up.
I can't wait to hear anything official from Lucas Films from the Con. I haven't chased down any rumors because the Net Nerds always have their own ideas. Now when official reports are released that's when we can get excited.
I'm hoping the show doesn't revolve around Fetts or Mandalorians - they never interested me. I wouldn't mind some Boba Fett, but I really hope they don't introduce too many new characters out of thin air (like Ahsoka Tano).

I believe somewhere it was said that Bib Fortuna and Oola will be in the series. I'd imagine that Oola would be a young girl, unless they decide to change her story up.

I agree. The Fetts haven't done anything in the movies to impress me other than walking around trying to look cool. I don't mind if they are in the show as main characters, but I won't watch it if the show is dedicated/concentrated to these d-bags.
I just hope the rumors are true this will be on HBO

Here are some more quotes:

On the style of the series, McCallum has stated "It is going to be much darker, much grittier, and it's much more character based."[13] Lucas has described the series as "bare-bones" and "action-heavy".

There was also a quote I believe of George saying that this was going to be like a mix of Sopranos and Deadwood. Not sure where I saw that or if I am just making this up.