Hey Guys, I'm new to the hobby.

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Hello everyone.
I just got into this hobby of collecting figures and statues, and am waiting for my first one on pre-order, Hot Toys Avengers Captain America.
I'm kicking myself for not giving in earlier, as I missed some Hot Toys that I really want. :c
Namely the Resident Evil figures and Assassin's Creed Ezio.

My first goal is to collect all the Hot Toys Avengers releases. But I missed the preorder period from Sideshowtoy for Nick Fury and Hawkeye, and I'm really mad at myself for it.
Do you think they will be available after August 17th(when I will have money) still to be on Waitlist or order? I'm afraid that my Avengers wont be complete. :c

Other things that I like are video games, comics, and movies.
I also love to draw.

Sorry if this post has made you cringe, or sob inside( or outwardly). I'm quite a newbie in this field. Please help me learn.
:welcome1: to the :FREAK: Show! :duff

You might be able to snag both Fury and Hawkeye at a later date either through an online retailer or through eBay.

We were all newbs in this hobby once. :D You'll learn! Just participate in discussions and have fun. :wave
Thanks, Darth Snoopy. 8D

I really hope I'll be able to get the Fury and Hawkeye, it's driving me mad...

I've already learned so much from just lurking the past couple of days!
Thanks for the welcome! c:
Welcome welcome we have been expecting you muuahahahahaha! Enjoy the forum there r good peoples here on SSF:wave
Everyone one was new here at one time, so don't you worry about that. Some may joke about with you about your 'noob' status but don't take it personally.

Like I have told other new members, on here there will be people who make you laugh, people that will make you shout at your computer, some that will make you think 'hey, that's a great idea'...and some that you will just never 'get'.

But they are all people with a passion for this area of collecting. Now you are one of them.

Hello everyone.
I just got into this hobby of collecting figures and statues, and am waiting for my first one on pre-order, Hot Toys Avengers Captain America.
I'm kicking myself for not giving in earlier, as I missed some Hot Toys that I really want. :c
Namely the Resident Evil figures and Assassin's Creed Ezio.

My first goal is to collect all the Hot Toys Avengers releases. But I missed the preorder period from Sideshowtoy for Nick Fury and Hawkeye, and I'm really mad at myself for it.
Do you think they will be available after August 17th(when I will have money) still to be on Waitlist or order? I'm afraid that my Avengers wont be complete. :c

Other things that I like are video games, comics, and movies.
I also love to draw.

Sorry if this post has made you cringe, or sob inside( or outwardly). I'm quite a newbie in this field. Please help me learn.
Hi clock work:wave im fairly new to been collecting about 8 months very new to the freak show lots of good advice going around have fun:)
Welcome brother. Don't sweat Fury and Hawkeye. You have time to pick them up. You should start looking now though. There are a lot of different online retailers that you can get these guys from for cheaper than Sideshow.