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If someone is interested on it send me and MP
I think I realized why the rubber bits on mine don't really seem to have discolored.

I'm kind of photophobic, or photosenstive. I have shutters on my windows and rarely turn on lights and when I do they're very low wattage incandescents. I think it's that light is degrading the color in the rubber faster than in the hard plastic.
Hey dedguy mine is still the same color as well. No fade. My collection room is in the basement with almost zero natural light on the detolf so it sees only minimal light from the detolf light when it's on.
Hey bros

I actually recently bought a brand new and sealed HT regular Mark III from a good seller from eBay.

The piece was sealed and when I openned it it was faded right out of the box. Damn thing had never seen the light of day up until then. So in my case it must have something to do with the materials used and or the paint application. At least in my case.

It's a shame really.

Luckily my two BD battle damage mark IIIs are solid with no signs of fading.

Not yet anyway:pray:

Don't know about the BD Mark III, but the hands, neck and waist of the original Mark III are all made of the same material that eventually fades in color with time, depending on where the fig has been displayed. And I'd be willing to bet that even mere oxygen plays a part in the discoloration of these parts. This goes for EVERY single Mark III ever released from HT. It's just a question of WHEN it will fade, not if.
Could also be temperature in addition to light. Despite living in FL I also keep the AC very low.
Before someone drops the "F" bomb on you, really got to look into reducing the picture size to something sub 1kx1k ;)
Yeah no kidding, geez dude. The forum does re-size them but even on my good connection that took forever for them to re-size.
Thought I would post these mods in the correct thread instead of the IV.

Now that I've fixed the shoulder problem Im much happier with the III. I still want to modify the thighs but I need to match the paint before I attempt that.


excellent! hope you don't mind but could you share what paint you used? did you paint the whole figure, other parts or just the faded torso?
I haven't painted it yet. The difference you see is in the light source and photography. The one that looks really bad, in real life doesn't look as bad and the last shot looks better then it does in real life. One thing that I will say is that many have debated about the paint in the rubber fading from sun light and all sorts of other things. With the figure disassembled, the rubber underneath the chest piece matches the exposed which leads me to believe that it had nothing to do with touch or exposure to light. If it had there would be an obvious delineation between the too but its all the same. Ill post the product up with what ever I find.