Hot Toys - Joker - 1/6th scale The Joker Collectible Figure

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Weird they all missed it. Once you see it, you cannot unsee...
InArt did however get the asymmetrical upper lips correct (his left side goes higher than the right) HT missed that detail.
Yeah, I feel like this Phoenix sculpt is a little generic -- maybe its the make-up too, but there's some key aspects to his face that are just not there.

Maybe the release from $1,000 requirement was recent and HT just raced this out quickly. Even the tailoring is a bit shoddy; everything feels rushed.
Yeah, I feel like this Phoenix sculpt is a little generic -- maybe its the make-up too, but there's some key aspects to his face that are just not there.

Maybe the release from $1,000 requirement was recent and HT just raced this out quickly. Even the tailoring is a bit shoddy; everything feels rushed.

I’m pretty disappointed and it doesn’t seem up to par for even HT. I’ve got the toysera version and honestly this isn’t looking like much of an upgrade.

Tailoring is way off like you said, and the sculpt just isn’t there. I also think they didn’t quite get the body right.

Sucks because I’m not gonna drop 1k on a figure and frankly this one doesn’t look worth buying.
Yeah, I feel like this Phoenix sculpt is a little generic -- maybe its the make-up too, but there's some key aspects to his face that are just not there.

Maybe the release from $1,000 requirement was recent and HT just raced this out quickly. Even the tailoring is a bit shoddy; everything feels rushed.
They’re trying to produce way too many things. The amount of announcements between last year and this year from them alone is surely to take a toll on the production quality. Where does Howard find such loyal factory workers?
It's the eyes for me. It's usually 90% the eyes when it comes to sculpts looking off or not. Makes such a drastic difference in likeness and whether or not the realism comes through properly. He looks like he has generic beady eyes and not Joaquin Phoenix's. Heavy wrinkles under the eyes and the proportions of his facial structure is off overall as well. Gives it more of that toy-ish look.

Don't think Hot Toys even worked on this sculpt, besides adding their SERS. They collabed with Lu1yo and Heise for this project based off of what @DiostaR said. Which is rather surprising considering how it looks.


HT does not have that sad, weary droop in his eyes. The neck certainly doesn't feel old enough.

I definitely think this "proto" was rushed to market. HT will spend the next year and a half posting "improvements just for you"...
This might be my biggest Hot Toys disappointement ever.
Don't think Hot Toys even worked on this sculpt, besides adding their SERS. They collabed with Lu1yo and Heise for this project based off of what @DiostaR said. Which is rather surprising considering how it looks.
That's what I've been told and yes it is quite surprising considering that they are probably one of the best combo of artist possible. This doesn't look like their work at all.
My guess is that Hot Toys got involved to much in the making of the prototype... :ROFLMAO:
Big third party vibes in those shots. Like the right is something PresentToys would announce when duping a Hot Toys release on the left.

Think the only one who could possibly do better at this point is JND. If there's much of an audience that cares to spend $800-$1500 for a single red suit Phoenix Joker. Unless if Hot Toys goes into overdrive for this one and improves both the sculpt and the suit entirely.
JND will do better on everthing but the likeness. (Better than Inart I mean not Hot Toys)
JND will do better on everthing but the likeness. (Better than Inart I mean not Hot Toys)
Why the lack of faith when we’re seeing this? Getting that close to Ledger’s likeness with paint apps this good in production from a companies first 1:6 figure is insane.

Why the lack of faith when we’re seeing this? Getting that close to Ledger’s likeness with paint apps this good in production from a companies first 1:6 figure is insane.

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I just don't see the vision man, I want to but I just don't.
But please don't take it as hate or anything, I'm happy for anyone who enjoys it.
I got to disagree. JND’s Joker looks a lot better than whatever InArt put out. Sure InArt’s prototype looked amazing, but their mass production didn’t even come close to the prototype. JND’s Hermione looks better as well.

However their Bruce Wayne and Harry Potter were an absolute joke.
Yeah i got to agree on that but JND is still prototype we will see how the actual product turns out.
I just don't see the vision man, I want to but I just don't.
But please don't take it as hate or anything, I'm happy for anyone who enjoys it.
It’s not perfect, but what more could they have done with a licensed figure. You’ll never see paint apps this good out of any other Ledger we get. They’re literally using the same paint Heise uses.