Hot Toys/ Medicom Buffy/Angel?

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Medicom/ Hot Toys Buffy/Angel- Would you buy it?

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I think SSC did a good job with likenesses for the most part, but when they did screw up, they did it royally. Willow, Faith and Darla weren't just bad, they were FUBAR. The fact that they didn't follow up with better versions of Willow and Faith I think turned off a bunch of collectors. Waiting years to produce a Giles was just the final nail in the coffin. The fact that he's still available on SSC's site shows it was too little too late.

As for limited runs, I think they'd sell too. HT does stuff in fairly small runs which is one of the reasons I think they'd be perfect.

Well then. It's settled. HT, get moving. We need our fix.
Actually these figures don't play to the either Medi's or HT's strengths. HT is great with weapons and more detailed type figures. Medi is better with comic-book type stuff not dependent on likenesses.

Neither is well suited to just human being figures in regular clothes. It's not something they'd go after and it's not something they'd do well.

I think that when licence issues don't get in their way, HT and Medicom are pretty well capable of getting the likeness right. And it's obvious that HT deliberately 'tweaks' the paint job, just to hide the perfect likeness underneath - check out some of the Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Drake, ... repaints of fellow board members. And as some have said, regular clothes on the HT and Medicom figures is in most cases outstanding. That also counts for the ''not regular'' clothes of course. The Clubber Lang South Side edition I have, wears mastery tailored clothes - not to mention, the great Mr. T likeness. Unfortunately, the price tag is accordingly...

Buffy - Angel done by Hot Toys - Medicom would be swell. But will it ever happen?
I think the immediate future of any Buffy creations are going to be in the form of underground customs. Abstract Harmony was really onto something with his sculpting idea.

We had some steam behind this at one point. Maybe we should make Andy aware of this as well.
No. If Buffy has lackluster sales at $50/figure, imagine what it would be at $90-120/figure. :google

I do think Hot Toys could do the job. Medicom, not so much. Their anime style likeness and paint apps wouldn't suit.

The price, as Pix mentioned, is a valid point. Sideshow needs to be given some credit here. Out of the numerous Buffy figures they made Willow and Faith are only downside. I think Sideshow actually stretched to keep this line going. You can't blame the decline of the line on Faith and Willow. There just were never enough fans willing to buy outside of the core scoobies.

I couldn't see Hot Toys continuing on, without rehashing what Sideshow has done, by making lesser known characters. Which equates to lesser saleable characters.
Medicom really wouldnt be very good for the buffy angle lines the standard price point is 150 unless Sideshow distributes them, I couldnt see whats left of the fan base paying out that kind of cash for these figures.

Hot Toys would be a great bet however as creecher pointed out they would probably rehash what Sideshow already did. I dont think you'd see much aside from a Spike, Angle, and a Buffy from them.

I am 100 percent behind the whole custom figures. I dont know how or why the original proposal died out. I think Abstract Harmony was on the right track but now we need to try and get it back on track. Revitalizing the old thread starting a new one whatever then getting in contact with a sculptor and getting some kind of idea on price and then maybe a rough time frame as to when they would be able to even start the project.
I am 100 percent behind the whole custom figures. I dont know how or why the original proposal died out.

Probably because it would be a pricey endeavor. The cost of commissioning and producing sculpts, the cost of having them painted (for those of us who lack the necessary skill), the cost and hassle of trying to piece together the proper outfits. By the time you get through with all of that it would probably cost as much as an HT figure, and the end product likely wouldn't be as nice. I think most folks just like to buy a figure and pull it out of the box complete. Putting together a custom from scratch is a bit of work, and like I said before, pricey to boot.
Probably because it would be a pricey endeavor. The cost of commissioning and producing sculpts, the cost of having them painted (for those of us who lack the necessary skill), the cost and hassle of trying to piece together the proper outfits. By the time you get through with all of that it would probably cost as much as an HT figure, and the end product likely wouldn't be as nice. I think most folks just like to buy a figure and pull it out of the box complete. Putting together a custom from scratch is a bit of work, and like I said before, pricey to boot.

Yes it is pricey but there were quite a few people interested. It wasnt lack of intrest we had the first sculpt selected it was going to be Wesley from Angle. But that was a while ago and nothing has been said since, this may not be the best solution for everyone but for thoes interested and who are willing to put the money into the project then its the best we can do.

And also as far as the hassle of finding the proper outfit and that well once a few members find the apropriate clothing and let others know it becoms simple. And for the most part I find the real problems will be once you get into the female figures female clothing seems hard to find.

I agree the best solution would be a company to prodcue the figures and for us to pre-order them have them deleiverd pull them out of the box fully clothed etc that would be my prefrence as well. But without sideshow I dont see any one else bothering.
Yes it is pricey but there were quite a few people interested. It wasnt lack of intrest we had the first sculpt selected it was going to be Wesley from Angle. But that was a while ago and nothing has been said since, this may not be the best solution for everyone but for thoes interested and who are willing to put the money into the project then its the best we can do.
Wesley is probably the only character I would go through the hassle of trying to put together from scratch, so if a good Wes sculpt ever comes to fruition, I'll be the first one to pony up the cash.

And also as far as the hassle of finding the proper outfit and that well once a few members find the apropriate clothing and let others know it becoms simple. And for the most part I find the real problems will be once you get into the female figures female clothing seems hard to find.

Anything non-military is going to be at least a bit tricky, but yeah, good female clothing seems almost non-existant. Triad has some high quality stuff, but most of it is that garish S&M stripper gear. Luckily for me, if we ever do get a Wes sculpt going, I've already got enough left over bits from other bashes to make a decent outfit.
I think the immediate future of any Buffy creations are going to be in the form of underground customs. Abstract Harmony was really onto something with his sculpting idea.

We had some steam behind this at one point. Maybe we should make Andy aware of this as well.

I agree with this point as well... We should just commission some figures. I would offer my services, painting as such... For half price! Just to help get it done.

I support this idea 100% :rock

We need a lot of figures IMO. Wesley, Anya, Andrew, Tara, Hell even Warren, Amy, Jonathan... the list goes on and on.
Probably because it would be a pricey endeavor. The cost of commissioning and producing sculpts, the cost of having them painted (for those of us who lack the necessary skill), the cost and hassle of trying to piece together the proper outfits. By the time you get through with all of that it would probably cost as much as an HT figure, and the end product likely wouldn't be as nice. I think most folks just like to buy a figure and pull it out of the box complete. Putting together a custom from scratch is a bit of work, and like I said before, pricey to boot.

I totally agree. The price of trying to customize would cost the same or even more than a HT. Though I would chip in to get a sculpted head of wesley.

In the end though I still want a completed angel investigation set. Wes and fred and illyria(sp) and gun.

God damn you sideshow. God Dam you all to Hell.
I think its unanimous that Wesley needs to be done first. To that end, lets compile a list of who would purchase a cast and what price range we are looking at. Many of us purchased a Sunohc TPM Obi Wan cast for $30. For the sake of argument lets assume it will cost $40 for a cast.
We can start the list of members who would be willing to spend $40 for a head cast and that should begin the filter process. Understanding that the more we get the price should drop. We can start the list here in the Whedonville forum and give it a week to accumulate.
Once we have our list of names with a commitment to buy we post the "Sculptor Wanted For Wesley" in the Custom section where the sculptors will be more likely to see it and then see who might want to take the job. We then use Abstract Harmony's idea to see some previous work to get an idea of who is best suited if we get that many applicants.
We need to keep in mind that if you obligate yourself to buy its like a contract. We are taking a chance, just as the sculptor is. However if we commit to pay, the sculptor has to be willing to make tweaks if the majority deems it necessary. It wouldn't be fair to have people say yes then back out and it wouldn't be fair for people to have to buy sight unseen.
How does this sound?
If it sounds ok to everyone we can start to PM everyone who expressed interest in AH's thread and start the list going.
I'd pay $40 for a good Wes sculpt in a New York minute. Gunn too.

With DA graciously willing to cut folks a break for his considerable talents, we might just be able to pull this off.
Call me a fussy old cow, but for me a lot of this would depend on how good the likeness was.

If it was good I'd willing to pay $50 for it, but if it's only 'so-so' the I'd have a problem.

Anything that solely revolves around re-creating a good strong likeness is gona need quite a bit of talent behind them, and Wes would be a bit of a challenge by any body's book. I would have to see the sculptor in questions portfolio before I could finally decided.

It's a shame we never got to see the one that Sideshow did before the line got canceled.
Sue I would hardly call you a fussy old cow. Believe me I'm not thrilled about putting hard earned cash up on a maybe, but I think we have two options: Keep an incomplete collection or gamble on this. Who knows, maybe Andy Bergholtz will say "Gee I really wanted to do Wesley" and jump on it.
It's a pity that I can't get my old business partner interested really. He works as a senior portrait sculptor at madame Tussuad's in London, and his work is just excellent.

Thing is he'd be more expensive, and is always so busy that I doubt I could tie him don long enough to do one.

A great shame he's not a fan, as I know he would do a superb Wesley.

Here's a link to some of his older work...
if we got either Sunohc or Andy to do the sculpting there shouldnt be any issues with the likness. I'm in lets get this back on track.