Wait, which one is hawt, the Latin Tony Stark head sculpt, or RDJ? 'Cuz they don't look like each other!
And I love the idea of Loki tossing this figure off a shelf "I despise you for your sub-par sculpt! Why can't you look perfect, like me?!"
The figure looks hawt, he looks great. It does not have to be a 100% spot-on likeness for me, since this figure is of Tony Stark, not RDJ. Heresy, I know. Besides, they are very likely to tweak the sculpt before we get it.
I am seriously considering buying this, and selling the parts I dont want/need seperately - I dont have the sheer ROOM to display all this gadgetry. He would look great facing off against Loki on the other side of the cabinet, no lie.