Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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I honestly think the people that are bad mouthing this 2.0 are the ones that already have the DX09 and are mad it’s now devalued due to the rerelease OR the people that are salty for paying resell before the 2.0 was announced.
Or....we could also say that those who have never owned the DX09 are just peeved that they've wasted their money on the inferior looking 2.0
Exactly! It’s in plain sight, oval (correct) vs circular.
Seems like it. Here’s a (not great) pic I took at WB. Of course, this is one of the refurbished suits I believe and not the original. But if I remember correctly, the original sculptor oversaw the remaking of the ‘89 and Returns suits.

I haven’t looked at the 2.0’s emblem much. Seems to be fine to me. The only thing glaringly bad is the suit texture. However you guys that are calling the DX09 oval circular really need to schedule an optometrist visit. Seriously. You have health issues. Coco cares. Get help soon.

However you guys that are calling the DX09 oval circular really need to schedule an optometrist visit.
I don’t have the DX09, was said the
symbol on it was more accurate in size but it looks more circular than the new one as well as screen used. Much bigger, the bat symbol on the DX09 from that photo looks as big as the portrait. Again, don’t have either in hand to compare but it looks like an all around upgrade on the symbol at least.

The glossy embossed symbol itself
puts it ahead. As for the belt, just grab yourself an Iwata airbrush or something similar and paint it that touch of gold.



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Cancelled my 2nd deluxe at BBTS 😔 really wanted to own this guy as I only started collecting last year and never got to own the 1.0. But man I'm really not feeling this. That exaggerated cowl and suit texture is killing it for me. I'm happy for those who ordered and are liking it.
If enough people can complain and get them to fix the sheen on the Batman Begins suit, the terrible masked Tobey portrait, surely this could fall under that? The suit texture is nothing like the prototype.
If enough people can complain and get them to fix the sheen on the Batman Begins suit, the terrible masked Tobey portrait, surely this could fall under that? The suit texture is nothing like the prototype.
I would think they're beyond the point of fixing anything now, right? They've likely produced a lot already and are getting ready for shipment soon.
The final headsculpts are the exact same as the prototypes. Should be able to get the head at least to look like this picture under the same lighting and shadow play.
I love the sculpt and symbol, I just hate the suit texture and oversized belt clips. I’d cut up a DX09 suit and glue the pieces onto a 1:6 wetsuit if someone were to make a nice one. Don’t think the size difference would effect it while in pieces. Someone’s bound to offer customization for this like all of the other latest releases.