I'm torn on what to do. Part of me wants to cancel my pre-order. Part of me wants to keep it JUST to ensure I have the Gargoyle base. And in the back of my mind, I'm not sure I can justify $400 for a display piece that I don't even have the ideal piece to display it WITH (meaning DX08; I only have the Mars knock-off). The more reviews I see on YouTube of this 2.0, (especially the direct comparison to DX09 ones), the more I hate it.
I am a HUGE Burton Batman fan. It's my favorite live-action iteration of the character and always will be. I'm a 90s kid, so the Burton-Schumacher era + BTAS is my childhood. When Hot Toys first released all of these figures, I was absolutely NOT in a stage in my life when I could afford spending upwards of $300 on a figure. I was a broke 20 year old. Needless to say, these and the later Returns figure were all grail pieces that I looked at and longed for. So, now, when I actually can afford this crap, I was elated to see re-releases and not having to chase them down and pay after-market pieces that are now double what MSRP was in 2012. I should LOVE this figure. I hopped on the pre-order as soon as I was able. And now... I just look at it and frown. It honestly has me scared to even invest in pre-ordering their Returns 2.0 for fear they botch it, too.
As far as not re-licensing Jack, if Hot Toys are still operating under a 2012 mind-set in 2024, I don't know what to say about that. The market was not there for Burton-Schumacher stuff because Nolan was the only word among the 30+ nerd crowd that could actually vote with their wallets. Now, things are different, the playing-field has leveled a bit, and McFarlane and Mars are showing how much interest there is in Schumacher--let alone Burton. NOW would be the time to capitalize on Millennial nostalgia. This would be the time for Hot Toys to throw down the gauntlet. Funko just released an entire line of 89 35th anniversary figures. There is STILL so much love for this film. But, again, if Hot Toys DID do a 2.0 Nicholson, what's to say they wouldn't botch it, too?