Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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Yeah, the only thing I hate about the Cap now is how light the blue on his suit got changed to.
I love my Thor and wont bother buying another.

Same, I don't see what people don't like about Thor, anyway.....looking forward to Captain America, got my notice and look forward to putting him in the Detolf.:yess:

I agree guys, Thor really is an awesome figure! Although I'll probably pick up an Avengers version if they make a sleeveless one. That trainingarmor of his looks awesome as well! :rock :rock :rock

As for Cap, my seller is expecting him in stock somewhere between the 2nd half of November and early December. Hopefully that is the case! :pray:
I don't know what went wrong with the Thor figure a while back, but I had to wait 3 months for that :(
I have had this preorder since june:impatient: cap still looks bad ass.. oh wait nope still awesome...........:rock:rock:rock
Thor is definitley not a fail once you fix his helmet. cap on the other hand, when compared to the proto, is a clear letdown as much as it breaks my heart to say :(

Thor is a miss on many levels especially his cape which is an embarrassment...glad I got rid of him:monkey4
